Choices ~ Amber

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You'd think you would be over someone the minute they left you for another person. That wasn't the case with Amber. The brunette stalked up Charity's stairs, ignoring the few Everboys that gave her looks. She knocked on Kian's door before entering.

The door swung open, revealing a haggard Everboy with his hair rumpled. Kian yawned, rubbing his eyes.

Amber instantly felt a little bit of guilt at waking him up. But this was important.

"Kian, we need to talk." She said, putting her hands on her hips.

"Don't you know what time it is?" He mumbled blearily. He went to fix his hair unsuccessfully.

"This is important!" She snapped, folding her arms. Her boot tapped on the floor impatiently.

"Ok, ok. Calm down." He disappeared back inside and reappeared a minute later, looking almost fully awake. "What is it?"

Amber thought back to her dream and winced. They didn't have much longer.

"I had a dream a few hours ago." She started and Kian rolled his eyes.

"You woke me up because you had a dream?" Kian grumbled.

"You don't understand. This dream—more like a vision." She kept Kian from going back inside his room, barricading his doorframe with her body. "It's about Monique and Rhian."

His eyes met hers. "Tell me more." He was instantly on alert. His duty as a knight was more prominent than ever if Amber was telling the truth.

"Cale and Japeth were plotting something—I think they are going to attack Good. They said on the blue moon they were going to 'restore and awaken the master'. I don't know what that means but it can't be good." Amber reflected about the dream, wondering who they meant by the master. He was dead. Ripped apart by the Good Brother's spirit. Killed again by the Queen of Camelot. Sophie destroyed his ring so he couldn't stay immortal.

Amber looked at Kian who had the same expression on his face.

"We need to warn the Dean." He breathed, his thoughts probably matching hers.

The two bolted down the hall, making the few people who were in the halls balk and jump aside. They took the stairs to the Honor Tower by twos. Amber had never ran this long in her entire life but yet she ran as if Rafal was chasing her. More practice for the future. She thought, holding back a snicker.

Kian skidded to a stop outside a gemstone embedded door, the clear image of a blue swan against the diamond embedded door.

He knocked furiously on it. A frazzled looking Professor Coraline opened it, her usually perfect black hair ruffled by the somewhat rude awakening.

"Students—what is it? Don't you know what time it is? Unless if it's important than I suggest you go back to sleep." She took in their expressions. "Maybe it's best if we talk inside." Coraline opened the door farther and Amber and Kian slipped inside.

"Now, what is it?" She began. The two students shared a look and Amber took a breath.

"We think Cale is planning to revive Rafal." She said.

Professor Coraline stared at them. "WHAT?"

The School For Good and Evil ~ The Storian's Last Tale (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now