Good's Ideas ~ Rhian

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Rhian watched the Storian, it's point poised to start writing again. He looked at the other page and read it, his eyes growing wider by the minute.

"It is very possible you may be in a fairytale, Moni." Alex stretched, leaning against the Evergirl's chair, his bow was next to him on the floor.

Moni rolled her eyes at the Everboy. "And when pigs fly. I'll believe that I'm in a fairytale when Kian kisses me."

Alex laughed, looking up at her. She pushed his head back down.

"Ow!" He protested.

"That's what you get. I told you not to move your head. Do you want your hair braided or not?" Monique scolded the archer.

Alex grumbled, but settled down and watched her braid his hair in the mirror. Next to the two, Olive and Iris were talking about the Evers Snow Ball.

"If Sawyer takes Nina to the Ball, then I might throw my talent into the trash can." Iris made a face at the mention of Amber's best friend.

Across the room, an boy's voice called back. "No you wouldn't. And besides, I would rather take a monkey to the ball than Nina." Sawyer flashed Iris a grin and the girl blushed.

"Pfft. It would be a unicorn." Nina made a face at Sawyer. Nina was a lot more nicer than Amber. Her hair was sparkly purple, cut short to her shoulders. She often wore purple to show off her status as royalty.

Soon everyone was firing back at each other, coming up with even more hilarious insults until Amber returned a comment to Monique.

"At least I have a father that's alive, Diamonique." Amber hissed, her fists clenching.

Almost instantly, everyone let out a gasp. Alex got into Amber's face, his brown eyes cold.

"Say that again. I dare you." Alex warned, behind the Everboy, Monique was being held back by Kian and Iris. Her green finger glow was pointed at Amber.

"At least I have a father that's alive." Amber's face twisted into a expression of triumph.

Moni fought against Kian's and Iris's grip but they were too strong for her. Finally, she slumped back and the fight left her. Amber relished in her enemy's defeat and left the common room.

Kian and Iris slowly released the girl and she sat down, staring at the floor in anguish.

Kian clenched his fists. "She shouldn't have said that." He growled, his fingertip alight with his anger.

"No it's my fault, Kian." Monique said, trying to calm him down.

"Everyone." Alex turned from the door and looked the group over. They all fell silent and waited for the dark skinned boy to speak.

The archer walked to the middle of the group. "The Trial by Tale selection is tomorrow." His eyes met each person's, one by one. "We can't let Evil win. We've got the best team of the century. We got Iris with her camouflage ability."

Iris nodded. "I've been practicing so we can all use it."

"Sawyer and his bird calls." Sawyer grinned, letting out a eagle screech and his partner came fluttering down from the rafters.

"Olive and her excellent hearing." Olive cracked her knuckles, clearly ready.

"Nina and her swordplay. Remember your lessons!" Nina ran a finger down Iris's sword she was sharpening and looked up, a faint smile on her face.

"Kian and his night vision." The dark knight nodded, his eyes glowing pure gold for a moment before turning back to blue and gold.

"And Monique. Have you figured out your talent?" Alex turned to face her.

She nodded but said nothing, wanting it to be a surprise.

"And there's me. Hopefully I am picked Captain. Not just because of my looks, I'm awesome, funny..." Alex struck a pose, making the tension break and the Evers laughed.

"And 20% more cooler than all of us." Olive quipped, flicking her hair back.

"Exactly. Remember, don't let me down." Alex gave his team a smile.

Rhian turned from the book and met someone's eyes he hadn't seen in a very long time. He looked up at the portrait of his brother and clenched his fists.

"Not everything's about Evil, Rafal." He muttered.

The School For Good and Evil ~ The Storian's Last Tale (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now