The Storian ~ Cale

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Before History of Evil, Cale went down to the library to catch up on his reading. Along the way, he passed Japeth who was walking in another direction.

Japeth stopped and looked at the prince. "Cale?" He called.

Cale spun around and raised an eyebrow at his teacher. "Yes?"

Monique's uncle walked back to him. "Could you come with me for a moment?"

Cale swallowed nervously. He didn't forget to do any homework, right? Reluctantly, he followed the professor to a place where he'd never been before.

"I've been wanting to show you this place ever since we've met." Japeth folded his hands behind his back and gave the room an appraising look.

Cale sneezed. Everywhere there was dust dust and dust. Japeth gave his pupil a amused look.

"I requested a cleaning crew for this school but Sophie never got around to it." He glanced around with distaste. "Too busy hosting parties. Anyways, besides that, do you notice something?"

Cale looked around, trying to figure out what Japeth meant. The prince spotted a gleam of silver in the corner. "There."

"Very good." Japeth lit his finger tip—-it was eerily similar to Monique's—and the soft glow lit the room.

Shelves of books lined the walls. Old paintings of masked men leered down at Cale. He shivered, creeped out.

"This was the School Master's hidden room. He had a spare Storian but it had the same magic as the old Storian." Japeth scowled at the most recent looking painting. "Rafal really did know how to immortalize himself." He shook his head, before walking over to the stone tablet that the Storian was hovering over.

Cale followed him nervously, peeping over his shoulder as if to catch whatever was watching him.

Japeth gave a little noise of surprise when he looked down at the tablet. "Well this is new." He grinned.

Cale followed his teacher's gaze to where a once empty tablet was. But instead of it being empty...a dark blue oak bound storybook rested there, the Storian poised above the first page. The minute he saw it, the Storian dove down and bright colors spilled across the page, printing out a scene before his very eyes.

The room he and Japeth was in formed on the page. A new tale had begun.

Laughter came from behind the two boys and they spun around. A male stood there, his blue gold eyes twinkling beneath a shiny silver mask.

"Impossible." Cale faintly heard Japeth mutter under his breath, terror contorting on his face.

"Who are you?" Cale asked, trying to keep his voice even. He wished Monique was here. Brave...beautiful...Monique. She would've made him laughing by now. Instead, he was stuck with her uncle who was scared out of his skin at the sight of this man.

The male chuckled, a dark humorless laugh. "That's not important. But I know something that is."

"What?" Japeth breathed, his hand reaching for Cale's. Stunned, Cale accepted the reassurance that he wasn't the only one scared of this stranger. He gripped his teachers hand, backing up against the wall.

"The last time a pair of students stumbled across the Storian it wrote their tale just like it is doing to yours. Which means..." He paused for a dramatic effect. "It must suspect a good ending."

Cale was trembling so badly he nearly fell against the other boy. Japeth had to hold him upright as the two terrified males gazed at the stranger.

The School For Good and Evil ~ The Storian's Last Tale (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now