Chapter 45

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"Before you go"-Lewis Capaldi

It was Manuel. Lisa stumbled back and turned towards the girls. They were getting surrounded by demons. Don't panic, Lisa told herself. Get payback.

She saw the girls kill the demons that surrounded them and there was only about 30 left. Dani killed the wolf she was fighting and helped the girls by, well, eating the demons. (No dirty minded people)

All of a sudden, Christina slammed into the floor, grasping her neck

"Christina!" Katherine yelled.

A demon went and almost stabbed Kath with it's claws but she quickly moved out of the way.

"What's going on guys? Why's Christina on the floor?" Josephine asked through the comms.

"Can you guys keep Manuel occupied?!" Lisa yelled over the noise.

"You mean Ryd-" Amy turned around with a shocked face. Dani slowly turned back into a human. The rest of the girls were shocked.

"Answer the question!" Lisa commanded.

"Yes! We can! Go do whatever you're about to do!" Amy responded.

Lisa ran to her motorcycle, grabbing her helmet and putting it on in the process. She hopped on the motorcycle, drove by Christina, picking her up.

"W-what a-are you do-"

"Driving you out of range. Ryd- Manuel was making you lose oxygen."

Christina nodded weakly and closed her eyes.

"Woah. Hey stay awake." Lisa balanced Christina on the motorcycle, making sure she wouldn't fall as she raced through the collapsed buildings.

"You done yet Lisa?" Katherine yelled into the comms.

Lisa dropped Christina off behind a stable wall. Christina had stopped choking.

"Once you get air, come back, you're not far." Lisa drove away. She pressed the comm against her ear. "Now I am."

She sped towards the girls and saw Katherine kneeling next to Lauren, who looked horrible. Lisa jumped off the barely parked motorcycle and ran towards them. Lauren's eyes were closed.

"Katherine... is she..."

"No. She's healing, but very slowly." Katherine said.

Anger filled Lisa. She turned towards Manuel, who was now attacking Amy and Dani.

"Hey!" She yelled.

"What the hell are you doing Lisa?" Christian screamed into the comms.

"Stop screaming!" Amy yelled back.

"Shut up!" Lisa yelled, once again with multiple voices behind hers. She shot out a beam of darkness towards Manuel, who challenged her with his own beam.

Dani and Amy threw potions at him, weakening him, to make it easier for Lisa. But instead, Lisa flew into a- still standing- wall. She landed on glass shards.

"Lise!" Amy called out.

"Im fine!" Lisa responded. She coughed and pushed herself back up. Another hole in her shirt, another burn, bigger this time. Lisa winced as she stood up.

Luckily, the glass didn't scathe her.

Once again, she shot out a beam. But, this time it was half light, half dark. Manuel's eyes widened but he quickly recovered from his shock and put more force into his beam.

"You have a bit of your mother." He smirked as they walked in circles.

"Ok Dani, throw the stun potion." Amy said. They only had one, and would only use it in necessary times. Dani nodded and threw the potion. He stumbled back and his beam faltered a little.

Manuel shook his head and focused again.

"Well that worked." Dani mumbled.

"Wait, look." Amy pointed towards the two colliding beams. Lisa's was beating Manuel's.

By now, Christina was back, Katherine had healed Lauren, and they were all watching.

"Guys something's happening." Lisa said. She was losing control as her eyes became black. Wait. One was completely black. One was completely white.

Ok but seriously...
Hi. How are you?
Anyway you smol beans,
Stay safe💞

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