Chapter 20

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"I never leave your hands"- JJ Heller

(Lisa's POV)
I'm writing in my journal. Mostly about Lauren and I. And other stuff like, everything that's going on. I just called Lauren and turns out that she already told her mom. She supports us fully thank-

"LISA!" Christina's voice boomed throughout the house. "COME HELP US MAKE FOOD!"

I groaned and got up. I walked downstairs and said, "Chris, I can't cook for sh-"

"Language!" Kath and Chris yelled at the same time.

I put my hands up in surrender. "Ok ok, well what im saying is, i cant cook, so why am I helping?"

"Oh all you have to do is boil pasta! How bad is that?" Chrissy asked.

I groaned in annoyance. "Bad." I mumbled and got the pasta. I filled the pot up with water and suddenly dropped it.

The pot landed on my foot. I winced, "Ow." Chris and Kath looked at me confused.

"Why did you drop that?" Chris asked.

"I don't know Chris figure it out!" I yelled. Why am I yelling?

"Woah! Calm down Lise!" Kath put her hands up motioning for me to calm down.

"Sorry..." I pinched the bridge of my nose and shook my head. "I don't know why I was yelling."

(No its not her freaking period. 💀😂)

"Well calm down," Christina chuckled. "And help us."

I shook away the thoughts and cleaned up the water on the floor. I grabbed the pot and put more water in it, successfully bringing it to the stove. I poured the raw pasta in the pot and turned the stove on.

I sat down on one of the chairs that was next to the counter. Chris and Kath were making chicken. "Chicken Alfredo?" I asked.

"Yup!" They responded.

(1 hour and a half later)
(Lisa's POV)

We had just finished eating when I got a text from Amy.

Amy🤪-hey, I'll be home by tomorrow at noon. Maybe earlier. Don't wait for me to eat breakfast! :)

Me/Lisa-Ok. We won't wait up haha.

Amy🤪-Cool beans cool beans.

"Who was it Lise?" Kath asked.

"Oh, it was Amy. She said that she won't be home until noon tomorrow, and to not wait up for her to eat breakfast." I informed Chris and Kath.

Christina nodded. "Well, while you were busy texting," Chris started and pointed around the kitchen and dining room. "Kath and I finished cleaning."

"Oh thanks!" I laughed and Chris rolled her eyes but we all shared a good laugh.

I want to give you guys peaceful chapters before non-peaceful chapters haha. That's why none of these recent chapters don't have any drama in them.
Do you have a middle name?
I don't.
Anyway you smol beans,
Stay safe💞

The Dark and the Light. (Cimorelli fan-fiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant