Chapter 24

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"Im the boy in the bubble"-Alec Benjamin

(Lauren's POV)
This is crazy. Why would Ryder do this? Lisa can't breathe again and she is choking.

"Chris! Do it again!" I pleaded.

"Laur- I- Ok." Christina said. She walked over to Lisa and grabbed her arm. Christina started choking along with Lisa and let go. "It felt like I was drowning."

Lisa nodded and finally stopped choking.

"Lisa? Is there still more people?" I asked, hoping she could understand me. Lisa held up two fingers weakly before clutching her sides. She was groaning and screaming in pain.

"Stop! Stop!" Lisa screamed, but it was no use. She started thrashing around.

(Lisa's POV)
It felt like I was getting thrown around the room. Poor girl felt all this before dying. I felt my eyes starting to droop but then I felt a burning sensation throughout my body. I screamed in pain. The girl who got burned to death. What is wrong with Ryder?

"Bur-burning..." I mumbled before letting out another painful scream. The girls covered their ears. Lauren had tears in her eyes and looked away. The burning stopped.

"Its o-over..." I said before everything went black.

(Christina's POV)
I felt relieved when Lisa said that it's over. But then she passed out. Lauren looked back at Lisa and rushed to her, along with the rest of us.

"Lisa? Baby, wake up." Lauren said. She put two fingers against Lisa's neck and sighed in relief. "She's still alive."

"Oh good." I said, keeping it together for them. We picked Lisa up. Between the five of us, we moved her to the couch.

"When will she wake up?" Dani asked.

"I'd say in an hour or so." Kath replied.

We all nodded our heads and sat down, processing everything that has happened. Nobody said a word.

(1 hour later)
(Lauren's POV)
We were still sitting on the couch waiting for Lisa. Well, it was just me. The girls went to cook some food. My thoughts were interrupted by groaning coming from Lisa. I saw her try to sit up and instead fall back down on the couch.

"Ah." Lisa said, she lifted up her shirt revealing scars.

"Lisa don't try to move. Also, what are those from?"

"Mike." She responded bluntly. I nodded and walked over to her. I helped her sit up and then I sat next to her.

"Girls! She's awake!" I yelled. The other girls came piling into the living room.

"Good. Do you want some water?" Katherine asked. Lisa nodded and Kath went to go get her a cup of water.

"How do you feel?" Amy asked, rubbing Lisa's back. I saw her tense up.

"Why'd you tense up? Did you see, you know. That?" I asked. Kath came back with the cup of water and handed it to Lisa. She drank it all before speaking.

"I feel okay. Also, Amy rubbing my back just made me think of the dead people again," Lisa started. "They have to grab onto me first."

We nodded and sat with her a bit in silence.

After a few minutes, Christina spoke up. "Well, the food is going to be ready in like 5 minutes. You hungry Lise?"

Lisa shook her head no. "I'm just going to lay down again. My body feels a little weak." She said.

"Okay, but when are you not hungry?" Chrissy asked.

Lisa just shrugged and laid her head on my lap. I gently ran my hands through her hair.

"Im not going to eat either. Maybe later, but for now I'm going to stay with Lisa." I said, wanting to stay with Lisa and not leave her alone.

The girls nodded and went back to the kitchen.

Who is your favorite band/artist?
Mine is Cimorelli haha.
Anyway you smol beans,
Stay safe💞

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