Chapter 4

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"Don't know why I looked the other way"-Madison Beer

(Lauren's POV)
Everyone was asking Christina questions and I saw Lisa starting to get frustrated. I was going to say something but then, "SHUT UP!" Lisa yelled. She ran upstairs. Everyone was quiet and we heard a door slam. We looked at each other.

"I'll get her." I said.

I quickly walked up the stairs and into Lise's room. I knocked on the door.

"Come in." She said. I opened the door and saw her sitting on her bed. Her back was against the headboard. "You okay?"

"Yea just, everybody talking at once was annoy-" Her eyebrows furrowed up.


She looked at me. Her eyes kept drooping as if something was making her exhausted. I got up and laid her on her bed. I was going to call Dani up but then I realized that all the girls are in the house. When I was about to call them, Lisa's body started seizing. Oh, crap. Not now. Wait- she has never had a seizure. Then realization hit me. LISA'S HAVING A SEIZURE. I screamed loudly. I quickly grabbed her head.

(Katherine's POV)
We were talking when we heard a high pitched scream.

"What was that?" My eyes widen.

"Lauren's scream." Dani's eyes wandered to Christina. We all looked at her. Chris and I made eye contact and nodded. We jumped up from our seats running upstairs with Amy and Dani behind us.

When we walked in we saw Laur holding Lisa's head. While the rest of her body-

"HELP ME!" Lauren yelled.

We rushed to Lisa's side but I was panicking and I didn't know what to do. We made sure she wouldn't fall off her bed. Then it stopped. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Hey Lise?" Christina said, trying to see if Lisa was awake. No response. We looked at Lisa and suddenly her eyes shot open. They were jet black.

Oh, rip me.

Hi yhu smol bean.
Yes, im calling yhu a smol bean.
Ok thats it
Stay safe💞

The Dark and the Light. (Cimorelli fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now