Chapter 7

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"That's how I know, I'm alive"- Cimorelli

(Lisa's POV)

I woke up screaming,"KATH!" I shot up. I was sweating, and breathing heavily. Then I saw the girls next to me. I sighed in relief.

"Lise? Were you having a nightmare?" Kath said. I stood up and gave her a hug.

"You're ok." I said. She looked at me confused but returned the hug.

"You haven't had nightmares since-"Chrissy's mouth formed a small 'o'. "Was it about him?"

"Yes." I sighed. "Now im going back to bed."

Laur shook her head. "No tell us about the nightmare."

I looked at her, then sighed knowing she wouldn't back down. "It was like I was in Kath's head but also not in her head. I heard her thoughts. I saw Chrissy get hurt, then me. Then Kath got it the worst. I remember that day. Dad- Mike. He injusred Kath until she couldn't even walk. She could've died if we weren't supernatural!" I started raising my voice. "We had to watch it all! Do you know how horrible it was?! Not being able to protect your own sister and seeing her in pain is the worst feeling ever!" I felt tears building up in my eyes. My heart was still pounding.

"But you haven't had nightmares. You were just getting through," Laur said. "Which means something happened. What happened or, did you see something?" She said, clearly reading me.

"No. I didn't see something." I said to quickly.

"You saw something. Please Lisa, you can talk to us." Amy said. "You can tell us any-"

"Do you want to know what I saw?" I slowly started raising my voice. Getting off the bed. "I saw EVERYTHING! EVERY TIME WE GOT ABUSED! EVERY TIME CHRISTINA HAD TO SIPHON TOO MUCH POWER! EVERY TIME KATH WAS DRENCHED IN WATER AND TAZED FOR HOURS! Every time I got raped." I whispered the last part. Amy flinched at my yelling. I felt a panic coming. My breathing became unstable. "I-I'm sorry! Don't hurt me. Don't hurt me." I repeated that over and over again. I walked back to the wall and slid down. I brought my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them, slowly rocking. I breathing became even more unstable.

"Hey, hey, hey. Nobody's going to hurt you." Lauren said. "You're fine. Calm down Lise. Copy my breathing." She started breathing in and out. I copied her and soon calmed down. "Good, good."

"Sorry." I looked down at the floor.

"There is no need to be sorry Lise." Amy put a hand on my shoulder. I flinched away. She looked at Chrissy. Then the rest of the girls with sorrow in her eyes.

"Ok, lets get rest. Who wants to stay with Lise?" Christina asked.

Everyone raised their hands.

"Looks like all of us will." She headed out, Kath behind her. They came back with blankets and some sleeping mats.

"You guys don't have too." I said, hoping they wouldn't leave. I did want them with me. I just don't want to be more of a burden then I already am.

"We're staying." They all said.

"I'll sleep in Lise's bed since there is not enough sleeping mats." Lauren said.

Everyone nodded their heads. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was a mess. Then  I went to my bed.

Chris said one last thing before turning off the lights. "Is everyone okay?"


I just nodded my head. She turned off the lights. I felt Lauren moving around the bed and faced me. I was laying, staring at the ceiling. She opened her arms, motioning for me to go to her. I took a deep breath and went in her arms. I tensed up.

"It's just me Lise. I promise." Lolo said.

"Ok Lolo." I responded. I relaxed myself. And after about 30 minutes I fell asleep.

Oh that was a long chapter :/
Anyways you smol beans,
Stay safe💞

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