Chapter 12

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"Sweet creature"- Harry Styles

(Christina's POV)
3:59 PM.
Everything is ready. Maybe not Lisa, but we need to do this.

"Lise? You ready?" I asked. She opened her mouth to speak. But instead her eyes closed and before she fell to the ground, Lauren caught her.

Lauren dragged her to the couch and we helped lift Lisa up onto the couch. Lisa started seizing. I saw panic on Lauren's face as she grabbed Lisa's head.

"Hey, she'll be fine." I assured Lauren. She nodded her head and looked a little relieved. "Alright we have 5 minutes."

Everyone nodded. We formed a circle around Lisa and held hands. Lauren had to put a pillow near Lisa's head so it wouldn't hit anything hard. We started chanting the spell over and over again. Suddenly, Lisa's body stopped seizing. We all looked at each other. Lisa's eyes shot open. They were her brown eyes.

"Lisa-" I got cut off by a blinding light coming out of Lisa's body. We all shielded our eyes but heard Lisa's screams. They were agonizing.

The light was gone. Lisa looked exhausted. Then, a man with horns and wings appeared. We all had confused looks except for Lise.

"Ryder..." Lisa mumbled. "It's Ryder."

My eyes widened. Rip.

(Katherine's POV)
He looks the same. Same smirk. Same wings, horns. He thought i had the power, so i let him believe that. But it was never as bad as this.

"Well we meet again." Ryder said.

"At least you're out of our sister." I said.

"Actually," Ryder started. "I can do this." He snapped his fingers and Lisa suddenly stood up. She started walking towards the kitchen and I heard groans coming from her.

"Stop! Ryder!" I screamed.

"Don't yell at me!" He screamed back.

I looked back at Lisa and she opened the drawer. Lisa grabbed a sharp knife and pointed it at her stomach. She started pushing it towards her. We all ran over to her.

"Guys im n-not doing thi-this." Lisa strained trying to pull the knife away from her stomach. I heard Ryder chuckle. He came closer to Lisa. He grabbed her chin.

"Listen little girl, if you defy me i will hurt you and these girls." Ryder said, pointing at us. "If you go kill a... certain person, I will leave you alone for... lets do a week," He stopped before looking at me, then back at Lisa. "And kill that person brutally won't you?" He snapped his fingers and Lisa dropped the knife. She slowly nodded.

"Lisa no." We all said at the same time.

"Im sorry girls. He'll leave us alone for a week. It gives us time." Lisa shrugged.

"You can't believe him Lisa!" I yelled.

"Well I," Her eyes became black. "Do." She looked down, noticing our frightened looks. "Im sorry..." She whispered. Ryder heard her.

"Oh don't be sorry honey! You'll love the feeling of death." He said, smiling like a psychopath. Suddenly, they both vanished into thin air.

What time is it right now for you guys?
Anyway you smol beans,
Stay safe💞

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