Chapter 39

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"Do re mi"-blackbear

(Dani's POV)
I woke up to find that Amy's dad had arrived and was talking with both her and Christian. Lauren and Lise were still asleep. Those girls and their sleep, I swear. Everybody else was up and either talking or helping with breakfast.

I went up to my room and got ready for the day, then headed back downstairs.

"Dani! Honey, can you come help us over here?" My mom called out.

"Yea!" I yelled back and walked to the kitchen. They were making a full on breakfast, BREAKFAST. Like a whole meal. Friggin' main meal, side, drink. It's crazy how we can actually work well together.

When we finished cooking I walked back into the living room only to find that Lisa and Lauren had already woken up. I was about to walk upstairs to call them, but then they walked downstairs, hand in hand.

"Hey girls, breakfast is ready." I said, motioning for them to walk over.

Laur and Lise nodded and we walked to the dining room where everyone was already seated. We prayed and stared eating.

"So, basically you girls think this Ryder guy...isn't Ryder?" Amy and Christian's dad asked.

"Yep." Amy said. She

"Hm. That's strange. Can I help in a way?" Jake sipped his drink.

(Jake is amy and chris dad)

"No, I don't want you getting roped into it." Amy said. "It's dangerous, he's dangerous. And you're mortal."

"Amy, sweetie, I can take care of myself." Jake paused. "And you girls are mortal too."

"Well yeah but have you seen Lisa? Or Katherine? Ryder, or whoever he is," I took a deep breath from speaking quickly. "He can hurt us."

"Thanks Dani." Amy patted my shoulder. Jake sighed and nodded in defeat.

I looked over to Lisa and Lauren, to find that they had finished their food and were whispering amongst themselves. Lauren looked annoyed.

Of course, me being a rat, "What're you guys going on about?" I asked, grabbing the attention of the others.

"Nothing, Dan. Lise just doesn't like to talk sometimes." Lauren huffed.

"It's not my fault that I don't want to worry you guys." Lisa mumbled but I could clearly hear it. And so could the others.

"Lisa, we'd rather be worried, then be worried to worry about you." Lauren said, softly.

(I hope you understood all the "worry" words in that sentence. Haha)

Lisa nodded.

"Okay, but what's wrong? Are you tired?" Kath asked.

"It's not that I'm tired, it's just," Lise paused. "I don't know. It's like I have this constant need to-" She got up and ran to the restroom. We all chased after her.

We got in the restroom to see her on her knees and throwing up in the toilet. Lauren pulled Lisa's hair back while Amy rubbed Lise's back. That's when I realized it was blood that she was throwing up.

"What the hell?!" Christina and I screamed at the the same time.

"What?" My mom asked.

"What is it?" Jake asked.

Lisa groaned and leaned against the wall, sliding down, for support

"I'm throwing up blood."

Ima just leave this hereeee.
So Ik i have never talked about the BLM movement on here but on my social media, I have, because my family has been so blind to this. And also im not sharing my social media cuz I would like to keep that private 😂
Anyway you smol beans,
Stay safe💞

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