Chapter 8

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"I just wanted the love of a man"-Cimorelli

(Lisa's POV)
"NO!" I shot up, breathing heavily, my heart beating rapidly. I felt a panic coming on.

The girls woke up. They were staring at me with 'are you ok' looks. I nodded but still felt the panic increasing.

"Hey, hey, Lisa come here." Lauren started. She put her hand on my chest and pushed me softly back down on the bed. Then bringing my head to her chest. My breathing hitched even more. "It's just me Lisa. It's just me. Now listen to my heartbeat."

I did as she told me and soon felt myself calming down. How does she do this? I have no idea. "Thank you." I mumbled. She just brought me closer. Soon we all fell asleep again.


(Lauren's POV)
I woke up to find Lisa was still asleep. Everyone else was awake. I heard pans clanging downstairs, meaning Kath is making breakfast. Lisa was cuddled into my side with her arms wrapped around my waist. It gave me chills. Wait why is Lisa giving me chills?

I was thinking about that question, staring at the ceiling. Then I heard shuffling next to me. I looked at Lisa and saw she had woken up and was just staring at me.

"Good morning Lise. How are you feeling?"


"We should get up." I said, starting to unwrap Lisa's arms from around my waist.

She tightened her grip. "Nooooo, I'm comfortable." She whined, still sleepy.

I gave up and just let her cuddle into me more. I wrapped an arm around her head and pulled her closer.

"Hey lovebirds! Wake up!" I heard Amy yell. She opened the door to see us both awake. My face was probably a dark red.
Lisa's looked like a Dorito. (laursxflames ) "Wow you're both super red. Cute." Wait. LISA IS BLUSHING. Okay Lauren calm down. What the hell is this feeling?

Lisa unwrapped her arms from around my waist and started getting up. "I was comfortable too you know?" I said.

"Oh deal with it." She responded.

"How rude." I said with an attitude causing her to smile. That smile is brutal. (🤧😂)

We got ready for the day then headed downstairs to see that the girls had just started eating.

Chris looked up. "Well look at the lovebirds who decided to wake up." Once again, I felt the blush on my face. "HAHA look at Lisa!" Christina laughed. I looked at Lisa and this time she was a tomato.

"Better yet look at Lauren!" Dani yelled. She laughed too.

"Okay leave them alone girls. Come eat with us." Katherine served us plates of eggs, pancakes, and bacon. "Thanks Kath ." Lisa and I said in unison. (Im hungry ok?)

We sat down and talked about a lot.

"Lisa, what do you see when you hear that ringing in your ears?" Amy asked.

"A pitch black room, and a man with wings and horns."

"Weird, I just saw like glimpses of the man. Anyway, his name is Ryder. He said that he can continue to control you until we find a way to stop him." Amy said.

"Oh! About that, I think I have an idea," Chrissy started. "We need to separate him from your body Lise. And it is going to be painful."

Well rip.
Uh also, no hate to their parents, i think that they are awesome for giving life to the Cimorelli's so 🤧👏👏 also cuz they are just awesome.
Anyways you smol beans,
Stay safe💞

The Dark and the Light. (Cimorelli fan-fiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt