One tear

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I started crying when I felt a little slap on my exposed shoulder.

"Just one tear, and I'll cancel the wedding. It took 10 years for this day to happen and you're ruining this because you're too emotional? " Brit scolded me, but continued applying lipstick anyway.

"Oh what a woman. If someone should be angry. It's. ME. I helped her makeup while you didn't do anything. At. ALL. " Elle stopped mid-fixing her hair.

"I--made sure the proposal was LiT. " Brit.

"I gave Bran the heads-up.  The plan. To be exact. " Elle.

"I chose her engagement ring! "

"I told Bran to write poems for her! Especially when she got low scores every exam. " Elle.

Kyla's head swung from left to right.
While I just laughed.

"Thank you. " I hugged everyone.

"I wouldn't have survived anything. Like, just what I heard. We wouldn't be here. Me and Brandon.  Every little fights, every petty arguments, impulsive insults,  everything. Everything would've been for naught if it's not with you guys. I'm glad. "

It's supposed to be inspirational but when we hugged Brit's Bobby pin in her hair caught Elle's intricately made   hairdo.

"BRIT!!! "


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