You are not

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" Are you free tonight?  I'll go to your room at 10. I'll study there. My roommate's sleeping early and I feel like she's not comfortable sleeping with the lights on. "

Brittany fumbled over her phone while folding her lab gowns and tucking her books in her bag.

" Have you returned your microscope already?  Why am I always have to be the last person to turn it over the counter. "

The bell rang countless times, signalling the end of class. Our preceptor was no where near happy about me. I had called him over 9 times but still had the wrong part of the slide. My drawing sucks, so life's not so well on me right now.

" No. You are not so good with your life. You did better than well today. Keep it up Zeb. "

I placed the microscope in its place and got my I. D. from the shelf.

" Pep talking positivity  makes all doubts go away. "

I got my color pens and gathered my books.

" Nothing's certain but the present. You did well Zeb. "

I zipped my bag and went to my friends.

" Zeb, are you alright?  You don't sulk, which is fine but you talking to yourself is even more scarier. "  Elle, the sassy classy moody meanie.

We started walking down the plight of stairs. It's already 8 and I knew dinner is the next topic they would as---

"Where do you like to eat? " Bran?

" You are here? " I stopped to talk to him. The students parted ways now but we are stuck still in the parking area.

The hospital is eerily silent tonight. The carpark is dimmed like it lacked lampposts.

" Dad's caught in a meeting. So I'll stay at Elle's dorm till 10." Brandon brags at it but Elle just flicked his ears.

" My boy's coming. So you'll be homeless. " She picked up her ringing phone.

Brandon looked at both Brit and me.

" Sister won't allow visitors after 5 P. M.  and you are a boy. " Brittany looked up from busy typing too.

I gave him an innocent shrug.

" I'll just straggle at our dinner place. So where to? "

" Anywhere. " Elle

"You decide " Me

"I'm G. " Brittany

"See?  That's why I hate you girls. Decide now! "  He stomped his foot like a loonie.

The person I hate calling...

They all stopped in their tracks.

" Didn't you 'air plane mode' your phone? "  Elle covered her phone's speaker. I flipped her.

" Someone's calling you now?  I thought you're saving battery by air plane mo--" Brittany regained her composure from her shock to see the person calling.

" I'm hungry. " Brandon kicked a lone stone begrudgingly.

" Hello?  --- did that piece of pie just?!  He cut me off! " My eyes were about to pop out of their sockets. I wanted to pull my hair.

" Let's go MiniStop. I want Ice cream. " I hid my phone inside my pockets.

Elle had abrupt date night and Brittany is currently drowning her lungs with alcohol, leaving me and Bran with dripping ice-cream and unfinished Kariman.

" Stop fussing,  just get over it. "
I wanted to hit him.

" Bran, stop. Just continue being dumb and never give me pieces of advice. " I am contemplating on finishing my ice-cream cone but I'm very full.

" It's thirty minutes past nine and ten is our curfew. " I got up and gathered my things. Bran just stared ahead. What's with him?

" Bran, I'm fine. " I plopped down.

"No you're not. " He looked at me.

" Bran, I'm fine. You don't need to walk me to the dorm because it's night time and there won't be stragglers. "

"Okay. " The audacity to nod???

"I'm saying is you should--- I hate you. "

" Zeb, You are nothing but fine. " He got my phone and dialled his number.

"No--" My hands gripped on my phone like my life depended on it.

" Then you are not."

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