Someone's paying rent

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"If loving you was a crime, I'd rot in jail.  Because your love sentenced me a penalty of a lifetime. That's mine. That's originality right there. "

"You're making me nervous. " Or is it the Coffee?

"You should be. You're with the hottest guy, your guy. "

"Ew. You're a mess Bran. " I ruffled his hair but he caught my hand. His face just inches from mine.

"Your mess. "

He closed in the gap between us. His hands supporting my back, his other hand trailed at the back of my neck. His nose bumped slightly at the contact. I wanted to close my eyes but I wanted to see this moment.

"I love you. " He whispered.

"I love you now, and always." My hands snaked around his waist.

"You make me mad Zeb. " He pulled me closer I felt tingles all over my body.

" I don't know how to kiss Bran. "

He slightly pulled away, but smiled at me.

"I love you even more. "  He came closer.

My breath caught in my throat, suddenly nothing mattered but me and him.

The soft lapping of waves, the serene sea, the soft murmurs of the wind, the jet black night and sheer contrast of the distant moon---everything didn't amount to what I am feeling.

I felt giddy.

The excitement.

The thrill.

"Will Sister be proud of that Zeb? "

I whipped my head around so fast Centrifuge would be ashamed.

I just heard Bran chuckle.

"Hi Kyla. " Bran's tracing lazy circles at my back.

She sneered like a mom would.

" Let's go in now you two. It's night-night ."

Bran exhaled the heaviest sigh.

He reached for my hands and I happily oblige.

"You're paying my rent this month, Kyla. " I stopped when I passed Kyla. Her mouth hung open, I just flipped my brown curls and walked away.

"I'm telling Sister !" She ran.

"Hide Kyla, if you wanted to live. "

"G, look at Zebra. Can you please close the heaven's gate for her?  G thanks!!!"

Bran just laughed.

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