Silly Sloppy Slutty.

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Again. I'm. Late.

" Did Doc checked attendance already? "

I whispered-yelled at Kairo, my seatmate. Doesn't listen but sleeps. Still passes every Long Exams.

The dull and dreary long lecture lulled everyone to sleep except the person I can't stand being around ten minutes tops. And this lecture is three hours long.

He was busy jotting down notes, encircling and highlighting his printed copies of what our lecturer presented on the slide. While, I crammed my reviews, for our exam at 2 P. M. 

He's like that. Studying or Working out. I hate the fact that I knew him too much but I needed to pretend I don't. Like we weren't laughing our hearts off during study outs, lunatic strides in hallways or strolling through the Binge Books every Friday.

Maybe he sensed I looked at him, he gave a subtle glance over his shoulders. I looked away, but reality's not with me when my pen jumped down from my desk.

He picked it up. Not him, but Kairo.

I left the room after texting the girls I'm heading to the library.

I got my highlighters and books. I looked at the empty favorite spot near the air-conditioners. After I saved a spot on the single table I got my navy blue hoodie from my bag in the counter , and wore it over my head while attempting  to sit at my chair.

" What the clusterf---"  My eyes widened and my throat suddenly went dry.  I know that voice.

It wasn't hard wood. It was in fact---

" Aiden. " Sheet of paper. I've noticed students looked our way. The library is specifically jam-packed today because freshmen and sophomores are having our exams same day.

We exchanged glances. Mine's awkward and his is well, angry and pure shock.

I indignantly sat next to my table. Mine.

The exam went in a blur, as well as my answers. I didn't do well. I'm about to cry now.

" I needed those information. Dean is meeting me ten minutes from now. Where is it? "

I got my bag and started walking.

" I told you I'm busy. "

"Well, you are because instead of doing it you are being silly, sloppy, and slutty. "

I'm hurt. Wow. Words really does sting.

That made me stop in my tracks. I looked back. He bumped his chin on my forehead. I saw how he bobbed his Adam's apple high and low. His breathing isn't even too. Game on.

" Stop bossing me and do your thing Big Boss. "

" You know how she is if she's not getting her requests. " He looked pretty perturbed.

I slowly made my way to him.

" Why do you think I'm late." I shoved him the printed reports and minutes of the Council's meeting.

"Oh, that's your copy. I dropped hers  to her  office before lecture." I left.

" I love you. "  I looked at him while sipping my iced coffee.

" We don't say that. " He continued jotting down notes, today is our day. Finals is rolling by so we reviewed together.

"Fine. " I traced my fingers to the misty window sill. The rain pelted down, blurring the outside world. Car lights were like muted background of blurred blinding streaks .

"You're my coffee. " my hands found his. The steam rose from his brewed cup of dark nothingness.

"I'm not black."  He casted a side glance and continued to scan his notes.

"But I love you like coffee. " I got my highlighters and started skimming my books. I smiled at him. He smiled back. That one thin line of approval. I crave more of that.

" I love Coffee. " He's full on smiling from ear to ear. His dimples dipped deeper, this had to be the best smile yet.

"Can I be your coffee? " I whispered.  He's biting back his lips to prevent from smiling.

" Oh, yes. So what's EDTA? " Aiden stifled his unkempt laughter.

" Edtayo na? Char joke."

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