Duality of You

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" You are late. " Aiden, the person I hate.

I clicked the door closed and swiveled round to see his facade devoid of anything.

" I never planned on coming here. "

He takes his eyes on me, taking in the lab gown I was still wearing, it was not until now that I've realized the buttons were haphazardly made, three buttons in a mad disarray.

" We aren't supposed to parade laboratory gowns whenever we feel like it. "

" Make-up clas--I don't even know why I'm explaining this to you. "

I held my gaze in a scrutinizing stubborn streak. Don't lose your cool, never let that control go.

I stood there, like it's the normal thing to do. I waited for him to speak so I can get out of this horrible meeting.

He got up and gathered his things. One hand on his Coffee, one for his rucksack. 

" I'll leave in 10. " He passed me a folded white paper, walked pass me, yet lingered on the door frame. His eyes traveled on the paper to my frail grip of reality.  "So ask me, now. "

I hastily opened it.

" A schedule?  I'm overloading my units this semester. I can't do everything here. "

I gust of disbelief drowned all the unicorns and rainbows I once felt. How could I ever loved this stupid self sustaining egoistical manipulative monster.

" Sad. " 

He went out.

The door was left ajar as my mouth. I followed suit, if this happened two years ago, I'd practically kiss the grounds he's stepped on, prolly just nod my head like it should, say yes because it's him.

But I wasn't.

He pressed the button on the elevator. Students aren't supposed to use them, but he's got strings, and he sure does pull them.

" Why are you doing this? " I sounded pathetic.

He looked at me. The same eyes that swooned now seared with deep contempt.   I can say the same. It's a two-way road. No one's taking detour darling, if we clash we crash.

" I'm the president of the Student Body, you're my secretary. "

The elevator dinged.

" Ciao."

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