Cleared Thoughts

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I was happy  I cleared my head with Aiden. Anyways I knew he's paying teachers and doctors alike to pass subjects.

Him and the Holy Elite Self proclaimed gods and goddesses.

But I knew he's going to patch everything with dollar bills still so I went in for total package.


Not revenge.

I'm way over that. I even regretted slapping him. Boy, did my wrist hurt like hell.

I forgave him.

It felt nice.

To be freed from the shackles of the past.

It wasn't Courtney, he said. He went to my dorm last night even after how many times guard said no visitors after 5.

He said he sure loved me. Or that's what he thought.

Because he said he met someone that made his heart beat faster than ever.

Or made him stutter.

Or at the mere mention of her name makes his heart stopped beating.

Or the jittery feeling of being in love.

And it wasn't me.

But it was fine.

I am fine now.

"Zeb. One thing. "

"What? " Aiden stopped reading.

"One thing I'm sure of."

"Spill the tea Aiden I'm cramming for our long exam at 2. So help me intuition, instinct and innuendo because I slept last night. No not the innuendo. Where'd I get that. Sorry Guardians of Heavens. "

"One thing, is that I will never love someone other than you. Thats the tea."

We ran to the sixth floor. We had only 10 minutes till 2 and we realized proclaiming our love isn't important but passing is.


"One thing. " He started.

"It's not me anymore, is it? " I licked my vanilla ice cream.

"One thing that I'm sure of. "
His eyes were hooded, bloodshot from crying an hour ago.

"We've had this conversation before. "
I looked at Aiden. He's handsome, funny, naughty at times. I mean we've been together for 2 years. He'd shared his deepest, darkest days with me too.

"One thing. It's not you anymore Zeb. "

And for the last time I cried.

But those were happy tears.

Sad because it ended, but happy because for the first time...

We were free.

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