Hugs and Smiles

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" I am not. "

" Yes and we are fifteen minutes late. "  He got my tote bag and carried it with ease. I had three thick books there.

I walked at the opposite direction. Seconds later I heard angry stumps behind me.

" Will you stop being a baby and be professional?  If there's someone who doesn't want any of this that'll be me. "

That had made me skid to a halt. Yes. But he doesn't need to poke the wound that haven't scarred yet.

I heaved the heaviest sigh and grasp my bag from his grip and in one swift motion I shashayed my walks to his car.

The familiarity of the situation is absurd. I rode shotgun. Fastened seatbelt and plugged my earphones to drown deepest condolences of what has been, and what has yet to become.  I'm just seconds to exploding. I'm tired of taming the Bull.

I wanted to inflict pain.

Let him know what I feel.

Stress-simulator calling...

" I am not making it. Shut up. No. " I know Bran's asking me for poems for the nth time. And no, he's not having it.

The traffic was bumper to bumper. I could feel Aiden's stare boring through my skull. He'll blame me for this.

" No. I'm out. Shut up. Urhggg Fine. Three weeks tops. Whatever just hang up. "

The beep died down and I have never felt so suffocated. Like everything is just as unbearable as it is, more so being with Aiden. I hate him. I swear.

There was no meeting. At all. I just stood there, in the grandeur scheme of interwoven work of art, as stiff as a board. I didn't do much, but smiled at the Dean's retreating back. Just at the Car park of her Unit.

He's messing with my life.

I got my things from Aiden's car and headed away from the manipulative meanie.

I dialled Bran's number which he gladly picked up before the second ring.

"Miss me."


"It was never a question of love. With you it's always a statement. "

" Are you drunk? "

"Slight. We're at pipeline. Elle's a witch and left me with a chick here. I don't want her. "

Stupid.  It's still early to be that drunk.

" Stay there and I swear I'm going to cut your abdomen open if you so do a single thing like leave "

I hired a grab taxi.

We were halfway through the thick knot of traffic when my phone buzzed.

The person I hate calling...

15 missed calls.

I am never familiar with the place. Though I've heard it before, they are always here---every Fridays.

" Why did you left, Zeb?" I saw Bran now, his head limping like a loser that he is. But a different voice registered in my mind.

I knew he was just behind me. Aiden. I felt the heated air and awkward fleeting moments.

I took my first step away from him. My first step towards freedom and self care.

Bran doubled over. Gosh what do I do?  Elle, I need Elle.

" Where's Brittany?  Elle?  Are you out of your mind??? "

He just smiled like everything's fine. What a mess. Good thing Brit came. Aiden helped us out of the place and into the car park. She shoved him to her car.Elle rode shotgun. I'm with him at the backseat. Aiden was left on the curb. Looking through the tinted windows as if he knew I looked at him too.

" If you puke. I'll drive your Milano tomorrow. "  Brittany stepped on the pedal.

Bran rested his head on mine.

"This is Regatta. Where's the plastic?  I hate you Bran. " I pressed my hand on his forehead to keep it from touching my shoulders.

"Hey, Bran. Don't do anything stupid. "
Elle looked at him through her shoulders.

"I didn't know Bran is heartbroken or something. He just called me awhile back asking for poems. " I poked his cheeks and flicked his nose.

The dumb just smiled.

"It'ssssssss... ---"

"Sing sweet nightingale. Sing sweet nightingale 🎶." Brit started lulling him. He just snuggled closer to me. He even manuevered his left hand that's behind me to hold my waist.

"Who hurt him?  Awwww. Poor baby, he needed a hug and sought it from me. " I smiled at Brit to her rearview mirror. Elle's eyes widened when our faces are mere inches apart. I gave her a quizzical look.

"Ze--" And he snored.

"Dude,  you're wasted. " Both chuckled.

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