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"How bold of you to assume it's still you. " I swiveled round to avoid him.

He was inches from me. I couldn't even tear my face away from him.

We were the ones left in the laboratory, checking out the microscopes and returning the slides to the counter.

" Because you can't even afford to act like you don't even want me. " His smirk irked me to the core. He turned away,  getting his bag, leaving me stunned witnessed to his idiocy.

"And if I'd back track in time, I'd still choose y---it won't be you. This time it will never be you. "

I got my bag and headed out.

"Zeb. I love you still."

I looked up. In all his glorious smiles.

"A thousand times, Aiden. A thousand times you told me that. And a thousand times you lied. "

" I was so lost. " He came closer I had the urge to step back but we were on the second plight of stairs, my back was almost touching the railings..

" No you're not. You weren't a lost boy.  I was. And you, you were my neverland. I didn't, couldn't, and haven't grown. I was stuck with you. Running at a tiring pace with no destinations. I was clouded with what ifs and whys. You were never the lost boy. You were the neverland. "

I spent the entire week with Bran. Elle was nowhere to be seen every after class. She's prepping for their 3rd Anniversary. Brit is dating someone from our class, till now she's not telling us who.

" Bran. "

He turned around. Sweat lingered on his creased forehead. His hand hanged mid air, left with spatula and right gripping the tip of the table.

I jumped from the bar stool and got a tissue from the kitchen bar.

I wiped it off.

He was taller than me in 6 foot one while I'm a humble 5 foot 7. So I tiptoed and reached for the Everest.

" Everest. "

"What? " He sounded breathless.

I went back to my feet. I flicked his ears and closed his gaping mouth, lifting his chin by my index.

" Why didn't you play basketball? "

I helped myself back at the bar stool and continued highlighting my printed notes.

He was still wearing the confused look.

" With your height, you can easily go for modeling." I got my phleb kit and placed it over my books. I started playing with the tourniquet.

" I'm not confident enough. "

"Oh sush. I'll be your mentor. "

"Will you live for me then? "

That made me look up.

"A --what? " Suddenly there's a shift of the atmosphere. Minimal but, I felt it.

" As my mentor. Time allotted is time consuming for your studies. " He placed cherries on my chocolate cake request.

" Yeah. Medical Books are stressors as is. "

" I'll just be that model looking doctor in lab gown. " He flexed his biceps and I faked a gag.

He turned the oven off, got a plate and served his masterpiece.

"Live Zeb."

The fork hovered, the tasty looking dish never reached my mouth. His hands were helping mine find the comfort I longed for a long time. He caressed my cheeks only then I have known tears rolled down.

"What do you mean? "

" Stop laughing even when you're sad. Stop acting tough even when all you wanted to do is break down. Break free from the confines of the past."

"I'm fine. It was over. I had the closure I wanted." I wanted to escape, everything is flooded by the memories of me and Aiden. I trusted him.

"Was it?  Or you just wanted to be back again on his arms?  Zeb. Stop lying. "

"I ---it's just. I'm confused. I don't know what to do. Have you ever loved a person who doesn't love you back?  Or like you are doing everything but he sees nothing? Like nothing at all? "
I pushed the food away. I was hysterical yet he was calm.

"Trust me. I did. And it hurts. "
He smiled. A pained smile.

"Really? "

"Everyday. " He replied.


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