Broken Twigs and Broken Hearts

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The twigs snapped, broken like I was the day I lost her. The weeds grew, I haven't. Her tombstone weathered through time. Dried leaves decorated the outskirts of the mud she now forever sleeps in.

I brought Sunflowers.

And chocolates.

And her favorite bookmark.

It had a picture of us. The ones we took that day at the beach. She was wearing her butt shorts, that thing I told her not to buy but bought it anyways.

While I wore, you won't believe it.

I wore my hoodie and my pajamas.

In the beach.

Swimming. With. Her.

Imagine her accusatory intonation of




"I'm sorry. "

"Bran I told you give me more 5 mi--"

I swiveled around, but it wasn't Bran.

"Aiden. "

"I'm sorry. "

"Aiden, I thought you're having meeting today. It's ---"

I saw the bouquet of flowers behind him.

"Are you here for someo---"


It's Aiden.

The thing she can't write.

She was envy of me, but it wasn't Bran.

It was Aiden.

"It's Alice. " I started.

"It's Alice. " His smile was pained.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. " I looked at her tombstone.

"Sorry I used you. You were always together. I thought I was falling for you. But it was her all along. " He placed the bouquet and sat down.

"Were you together? " I don't feel hatred. I just. I wanna know.

"We are still. "

I wanted to cry from his choice of words.

He loved her.

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