It should have been me

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Trigger warning: dark, sensitive/ mature themes like death.

Trigger warning: dark, sensitive/ mature themes like death

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"I don't know what to do with her guys..." Evie says worriedly.

I whip back around to face Evie, Jay and Carlos. Three people me and my late sister Mal grew up with. They are my family, but families fight.

"Do nothing!" I scream with tears in my eyes, "I should have been killed, not Mal..." I trail off.

"Y/n no-" Carlos starts.

"I'm her big sister Carlos! Her big sister..." I let out a sob, "And I failed. I should have protected her! Mal is dead because of me!" I scream again.

That's when I'm engulfed in a hug from the three. They all pull away from me looking very worried and very upset.

"Y/n it wasn't your fault." Jay says sternly but with glassy eyes.

"You need to stop blaming yourself and stop feeling guilty." Carlos says firmly.

I should have protected Mal. She was killed when she was struck by Audrey with our mum's sceptre. Mal was killed on impact and even though I was turned to stone I could still hear the scream that was cut off by death. Harry and Uma couldn't do anything just move out of the way of Mal's dragon body which then turned back human. I then broke the stone spell and defeated Audrey with Uma and Harry.

"It's not healthy..." Evie says trailing off.

Mal died six months ago now, her wedding to Ben was supposed to be last weekend. Truth is I'm not healthy at all. I've fallen in a deep dark hole of despair and destruction. I barely attend school and I haven't slept since then. My mind is so dark and I'm just stumbling through the days depressed and sobbing. I'd never cried until the day Lonnie said that surely villains love their kids; but the day Mal was murdered? I sobbed.

"You need to accept that nothing could have been done by anybody and grieve. Stop denying yourself of grieving." Carlos says quietly, his hand on my shoulder.

"I deserve to live with the overwhelming guilt." I mutter.

"N-no you don't." Evie stutters, now crying.

"It should have been me, not Mal." I say sadly.

"Y/n don't say that." Carlos says now with tears himself.

"Please Y/n... It could have happened to any of us so don't blame yourself that it happened to Mal." Jay begs me.


I'm not sure how, but I was convinced to go to a tourney game the next day at Auradon Prep against their biggest rivals. It is probably because of a certain pirate...

Harry Hook and I always had a flirtatious relationship even if we were in opposite gangs back on the Isle. When I ran back to the Isle because I couldn't take it anymore Harry took my breath away. I didn't realise how much I yearned for the flirting and the random ways that Harry would find to have his hands on me and touch me. A couple months later Audrey turned evil and during the time before Mal was killed and I defeated Audrey, both gangs grew to like each other. Me and Harry had our first kiss after the battle with the knights. Turns out everyone saw but by then everyone got on fine. Since Mal's death I haven't been myself and Harry knows that. He has still stuck by me even if we aren't actually together. We've kissed a couple of times since but no further than that as Harry said he didn't want to take advantage of me whilst I'm vulnerable. Harry has been there for me nevertheless making me laugh whilst still being his charming and flirty self. We chat, ring and text all the time on the phone I just haven't seen him in person for ages.

When I arrived at Auradon Prep for the game Fairy Godmother gave me a bone crushing hug as well as Belle and Adam. Ben sees me and gives me a big hug too.

"It's good to see you, Y/n." Ben smiles softly.

"Likewise." I nod.

During the tourney game - that so far we are losing - I observed Ben. Ben seems to have moved on with life whilst not forgetting Mal. He seems to be still enjoying himself and talks openly about Mal who is still the love of his life.

"Didn't you used to play?" Uma asks me nodding to the tourney field.

"Yeah. Funny enough, I had to spell Coach to let me on the team. By the time we all chose good the spell had worn off but he kept me on the team because of my talent." I smile at the memories.

I'm very much as tomboy as much as I love Mal, Evie and Jane.

"I'm going to see Carlos. You coming Y/n?" Jane asks.

"I'll come see Carlos, Jay and Ben then yeah sure." I nod.

"I don't think Jane meant them." Doug grins.

I scoff, "Who does she want me to see?"

"My first-mate." Uma smirks.

Unfortunately, even at age nineteen, (I'm one of the youngest in my year), I still have damn hormones. These hormones light my cheeks to a slight pink tint.

"Y/n go on. Tell everyone we say hi!" Evie grins waving her hand away.

I just nod as me and Jane links arms as we walk down the bleacher steps. Before I can go down the last three steps someone lifts me by my hips. I'm met with a pair of ocean blue eyes that reassures me no end. Harry hugs me close with no space between us as I take in the attractive smell of his manly sweat and saltiness. Harry strokes my head and hair as his hook hand rests wrapped around my slender waist. My head rests in the crook of the younger boy's neck because even though I'm older, he's taller.

"I missed you darlin'." Harry whispers.

"I missed you too Har." I smile softly against Harry's neck.

"Hey Y/n!" Gil says excitedly.

"Hi Gilly-"

I'm pulled out of Harry's grip as Gil lifts me down the last three steps hugging me hard laughing. When Gil is told for the third time he let's go.

"Carlos off the ground!" Coach yells.

I look past the group and Jane is giggling helping her boyfriend Carlos to his feet.

"He practically tackled Carlos to greet you." Jay smirks.

I laugh as my cheeks light up rosy red at that comment as Jay hugs me. Then I get a hug off Carlos.

"How are you pup?" Carlos asks me.

Even though I'm older Carlos has this pup nickname for me. I mean he is basically my brother like Jay is.

"I'm good. Today I feel happier than I have been in a while." I smile.

"Good to see you Y/n." Chad says quietly.

"Thanks." I nod.

Harry then surprises me with a peck on the cheek. I just giggle in surprise as I allow Harry to pull me close as I stand hugging his body.

"Hey Y/n!" Coach shouts.

"Yeah?" I question curiously.

Ben and Jay moves up so Coach can join the circle we've made.

"We're being creamed. We could really do with your help...?" Coach trails off hopefully.

I feel an abundance of eyes on me all at once.

"Really?" I question surprised.

This school must really pity me; I've barely showed up since Mal died.

"Ye played tourney?" Harry asks chuckling.

"Yeah I played tourney."

"Come on please?" Gil asks me desperately.

That's when - I kid you not - Jay, Carlos, Ben, Harry, Gil, Chad and the rest of the tourney team including coach gives me puppy dog eyes. I stare them out as Jane laughs at the predicament.


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