Temporary Bliss part one

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Inspired by Temporary Bliss by The Cab with some quotes or near quotes in the dialogue.

Trigger warning: mentions skipping meals/ not eating.

Currently me and Harry are making out topless on my bed. The making out is deep and slow. Harry is on top of me slowly grinding. You see me and the infamous Harry Hook are friends with benefits and we've gone all the way several times before. It's been like this for a year now and that's the way I'm liking it. We have to be quiet at the minute as its quarter past two in the morning and my roommate Nelly is sleeping in the bed next to mine. Nelly is the daughter of Prince Naveen and Tiana.

"You're heaven Y/n lass." Harry whispers against my lips.

"I'm addicted to you." I whisper back on Harry's lips.


"And Gil was like-" Harry waves me over, "Uh Y/n I need to talk to ye."

"Continue telling me later Harry." Uma smiles.

She then struts off like the badass captain she is.

"Last night was the last time Y/n." Harry says seriously.

"What? What do you mean? Why?" I shoot a bunch of questions.

"I can't stand it waking up and you not being there. It's too painful." Harry says quietly as we're stood by the outside lockers.

"What are you saying Hook?" I ask angrily, arms crossed.

I only ever call Harry by his last name when I'm pissed off with him and he knows this.

"I can't keep sleeping with you, it's just messing with my brain. Y/n listen I cannot keep touching ye the way I do when I know it's only temporary, when the bliss is temporary." Harry says seriously.

"If that's how you feel..." I drift off bitterly.

I turn on my heels but quickly Harry scoots in front of me.

"I wanna be more than friends with benefits. I wanna try this relationship lark with ye Y/n..." Harry says all hopeful.

I turn away, careful to not show Harry the burning tears as they cascade down my flushed face.

"Like you said, it's only temporary."

"Y/n!" Harry shouts voice breaking.

Just before I'm round the corner I hear Mal shout:

"Why've you made her cry?"

That's how the next week and a half goes, locking myself in my room crying under the covers. The only person I let in is Nelly who's my roommate. Classes are starting in ten minutes and again, I am not going. I hear the door close after Nelly but then I hear muffled talking. I grab my extra fluffy purple blanket tjat Mal got me last Christmas and wrap it around myself. I shuffle over to the door barefoot and place my ear to the wooden door.

"You can't just storm in there, it's not your room." Nelly defends.

"Please I just want to talk to her!" Harry says begging.

"I know something was happening between you two. Don't think I didn't hear you sneak in and out. And thank you for not having sex whilst I was there." I hear Nelly sigh, "Whatever happened, whatever you said, you broke her heart Harry." Nelly finishes.

Then I hear her quiet footsteps fade away.

"Y/n!" Harry yells, "I know ye're in there!" Harry yells still.

It makes me cry, so hard, as Harry stays shouting and banging my dorm room. He is not being nasty or threatening it's just it breaks my heart, I miss him. We may have been physically friends with benefits but emotionally and socially we were so much more.

"Harry! What the hell are you doing?" Mal shouts over Harry.

"She has been in there a week and a half precisely ten days and she won't open up." Harry says exasperated.

"Harry you're making her cry..." Evie says quietly, "Listen."

It's true and I could no longer stand so I slid down the door. Currently the tears are pouring down my face at rapid-fast pace.

"What the hell you all doing? Has the door started talking like Dude?" I hear Uma say, "Oh this is Y/n's dorm right?" She asks quieter.

"Nelly said to me yesterday that Y/n is only eating the bare minimum." Mal says quietly.

"For fuck sake." I hear Harry mumble.

"Y/n dear? Knock once for no, twice for yes." Evie says.

So I knock twice.

"Thank you Y/n." Evie says.

"Can I come in Y/n? I wanna talk to ye..." Harry says softly.

I can tell his head is right up against the door. So, I knock back once.

"Y/n can me, Evie and Uma come in to talk to you?" Mal asks me.

I think about it and I knock twice.

"Do you want us to come back after classes?" Evie asks gently.

I hear Harry's speaking but it's all muffled. I knock twice either way.

"Will Nelly be there too?" Mal asks.

I knock once. Nelly on a date tonight with the son of Peter Pan, Philip. Nice boy.

"Y/n we're going to bring some food... Will you try to eat it, for us?" Evie asks so kindly.

I knock twice. Then I grab a pen and paper and write a message.

What food???

I push it under the door.

"Ooh guys a note." Uma says intrigued.

"That's my girl! Got her priorities sorted." Harry chuckles.

That makes my heart hurt he called me his girl. I miss him so much but there's a reason I don't do relationships.

"Just some of your favourites let us surprise you." Evie says happily.

Part two is coming...

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