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"De Vil you slacker! Ten more press ups!" I shout at my brother with a grin on my face.

The heat is warm on my skin and I feel like I'm getting a ever so lovely tan on my long legs.

"You talking to me or yourself De Vil?" Carlos sasses.

"You want me to do some press ups?" I ask.

All the lads shout yeah from their position so I jump down and whip ten press ups easily. I then do ten one-handed press ups. I get up having proved my point. There's cheers and even claps.

"Good job assistant coach Y/n." Coach says laughing at my antics.

"Thank you." I say curtsying.

Practice is fun and I enjoyed myself. Coach said I did very well at coaching. I think it's because I took out my life's frustration of men out on these poor teenagers. Jay bounds back to the jeep along with Harry and Gil whereas I'm supporting Carlos up as he's panting as he walks. Carlos still insists on driving the car back home. Me, Carlos, Jay and Mal all lives at a home Evie brought from her business with Doug, Evie's boyfriend, staying over a lot. Me and the flirty pirate Harry with his perfect hair and body that was chiseled by the gods have been a couple for a year and a half now.

Once me and Gil has dumped Carlos on the sofa I excuse myself for a shower. I love the warm clean showers of Auradon. I bask in the boiling hot water for twenty minutes then I grab my snowy white towel and dry myself. I then pop on a black bra, matching knickers and a pair of beach washed denim short-shorts. I then walk into my room humming a song from last Summer.

"Harry what the hell you doing in my room?" I ask the pirate laid on my bed.

"I've come to see my favourite De Vil." Harry smirks looking me up and down.

"I heard that Harry!" Carlos yells from outside my door laughing, "Uma says dinner is ready in ten minutes."

"Thanks bro-woah Harry!" I say giggling.

Harry has slid over to the side of the bed and placed me standing in between his legs. Harry not taking those eyes off me takes his t-shirt off. Harry then attaches his lips to my neck as he kisses, nibbles and sucks. Harry then with one arm lifts me onto the bed and hovers above me, now kissing me hard as I kiss back just as strong. As we make out deeply our legs get tangled together. I don't know how long we've been but I want it to stay like this forever in this enticing position with my favourite pirate.

"Dinner is ready!" Jay says whilst knocking.

"Damnit lass." Harry murmurs after detaching his lips from mine.

"Come on, there's food." I mutter.

"Alrite then lass let's go." Harry takes in my appearance below him, "After ye put some clothes on." Harry mutters protectively.

"Go and get your t-shirt then!" I giggle pushing Harry up.

I go to my white and red draws and grab a black crop hoodie. I wait for Harry to pull his t-shirt on then he takes my hand in his. We head downstairs to the delicious smell of some kind of seafood dish Uma has cooked for us.

"Nice of you two to join us." Mal winks.

"Wouldn't miss it." Harry pulls out my chair for me, "Thank you Harry." I smile graciously.

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