Gutted but thrilled

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Trigger warning: forceful and inappropriate behaviour, harassment and violence.

"After Carlos and the others left us pirates took over their turf and expanded our empire." I explain to Jane, "Anyone would cross us would get punished. It depends who ye would cross though. Uma commanded us but rarely punished anyone herself, that would be an honour to be punished by her." I explain.

"Jane are you sure asking about this is a good idea?" Carlos asks his girlfriend.

"Carlos buddy, she wants to be with a VK she needs to know the history of the Isle and what we had to do to survive." I nod.

"I agree little one. Carlos have ye told Jane here your past?" Harry asks sitting down next to me slinging his arm around my waist.

"Yeah she knows." Carlos frowns.

"And I still love you." Jane says kissing Carlos' cheek.

"I love you too." Carlos says kissing Jane shortly.

"Aye ye two kids gonna make me feel sick." Harry whines.

"Just coz' your jealous Harry." Carlos smirks nodding to me.

"So, as I was saying: it depends what punishment you would get." I say.

"Harry's is obviously being hooked. What's Uma's and Gil's?" Jane queries.

"Uma rarely punished but if she did it would be partial or complete drowning-"

"What she's drowned people?!" Jane exclaims, shocked.

"Yeah, dark times on the Isle eh Harry and Y/n?" Uma smiles joining us.

Me and Harry both grumble in agreement.

"So Harry have you killed anyone?" Jane asks half scared and half curious.

"Stopped countin' after fifty." Harry says casually.

"Hookie that is my food." I say batting his hand away.

"I'm hungry little one." Harry pouts.

"Fine." I sigh as Harry gorges on my food, "Gil didn't punish no one. We wanted him to keep that innocence." I say softly.

Gil is mine, Uma's and Harry's weak spot, our Gilly.

"What about the punishments you would give Y/n?" Jane asks really into this.

"Please don't ask that." Carlos begs.

"Please do." Harry smirks.

"I'd gut ya." I say feeding Harry a chip.

"Wh-what do you mean?" Jane asks intrigued.

"Girl I hope you have a strong stomach..." Uma trails off laughing.

"Oh dear god." Carlos mutters, head in his hands.

So I explain and Jane looks horrified.

"Anything else? Or do you want to know how many us three have tortured or-"

"Thank you for the history. That's enough for one day." Jane says nodding.

I smirk, "That's quite alright. If I can't continue doing it I can still educate." I say smiling.

"We've got to go get ready for our dinner date. Bye guys." Carlos says smiling.

"See ya!" Jane says happily waving.

"Sweet nightmares!" I wave winking.

"I love how passionate ye got there little one, very attractive." Harry smirks beside me.

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