Imaginary friend

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I live with the Hooks, when I say the Hooks I actually mean Harry. Me and Harry have been together since we were fourteen and we are now seventeen, Harry almost eighteen. In the week we live on our ship with Uma and the pirate crew. At the weekend however everyone's parents makes them stay over at home. I mean we are allowed out but have to come home. I don't mind the Hooks. CJ is Harry's younger sister and she is a very sweet eight year old girl. Harriet who's older than Harry - she's twenty-one - she is fantastic too and very funny. We like to tease ol'Harry together.

Currently I'm at the Hook household home with Harry. It's nine am and I've left Harry who snores like a hog to go cook breakfast for everyone. Harry's mum died when CJ was only young so its just Harry, his two sisters and Captain Hook. I'm just cooking up the usual fry up with toast in shorts and one of Harry's white t-shirts when a strong warm pair of muscular arms snakes around my waist.

"Mornin' baby." Harry mumbles sleepily.

"Morning." I say chirpily to Harry's topless figure behind me.

The toast pops so I make a grab for it when Harry turns me around smirking. Harry attaches our lips gently pressing me against the counter not the hob as he moved us. I melt into the kiss. It's not a perfect kiss with chapped lips and morning breath but its damn near perfect with Harry.

"Ew kissing." CJ says smiling.

I pull away from Harry who's still holding me close.

"Morning CJ sweetie. Will you go tell-" I'm distracted by Harry moving his hand to my arse, "Tell your dad and Harriet breakfast is almost ready." I say sweetly.

CJ accepts and skips off as I'm met by an eager pair of lips. Harry then lifts me on the counter as we kiss hard and fast. I mean we did this and more for half of the night. I don't know what round we're on but the rest of the Hooks want their breakfast.

"Not in the kitchen, we've got to eat." Harriet teases with a big grin.

I push off a pouting Harry.

"Let me down and put a shirt on while I plate up sweetheart." I say laughing.

Harry does so as I'm gently lifted off the counter. He pads off while I turn everything off and start plating.

"Girl you've got him whipped." Harriet laughs with me.

When CJ and Harry return I'm almost plated. In comes Captain James Hook. First off is I deliver Captain Hook's breakfast who sits at the head of the table.

"Morning Captain." I say then lightly peck his cheek.

I then place the food down. I'm very lucky that Captain Hook approves of me because if he don't he is nasty to people he doesn't like. I would go as far to say Captain Hook quite likes me. He approves that Harry has girlfriend but you even imply a hug or hand-hold between CJ and a boy or Harriet and a boy Captain Hook flips. He is a sexist in that way but I help the girls out with boys so it's fine. I then serve CJ's and Harriet's breakfast. CJ is Captain Hook's little baby so he allows her on his left. Then on his right is his eldest Harriet. I sit down next to CJ opposite Harry after I've served his and mine's breakfast. I sit next to CJ because ever since I remember she begged me to and I couldn't resist her eyes. Harry says he can resist but he really can't.

We eat in a comfortable silence with little nuggets of chats here and there. After breakfast Harriet insists on helping me load the dishwasher and wash what needs to be washed. CJ's little job is to put what has been washed away. You guessed it: Harry and his father sit. Harry has tried to help before but he knows his father's rules. It's best not to rock the boat. Us girls then sits down after a fresh brew of tea or coffee with the men who also has some.

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