Stuttering part two

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Thank you to TheGirlWhoLiveds for requesting a part two! Hopefully, this is good and I really enjoyed writing it.

I left.

That night I left Auradon, left the Isle, left Harry. I tried sneaking out but Dude caught me, alerting Carlos and then Jay. I begged them to not wake Evie or Mal. Needless to say, Carlos helped me to pack my bags whilst Jay discreetly sorted a limo. Afterwards the two lads and Dude drove me to the Tumbling Forest. At the entrance I gave sordid goodbyes reducing both VKs to tears. Dude got a belly rub goodbye. After venturing to the familiar spot, I jumped down the rabbit hole.

That was a over a year ago now. Thankfully, Jay, Carlos and even Dude didn't tell anyone about the Tumbling Forest. Not that they knew the route through it to the rabbit hole. I've kept in contact with Carlos and Jay though my correspondence has lessened with Mal and Evie as they ever grow close to Uma. I've heard in holidays and any spare time Uma has she swims the world's oceans. Won't work though. As for Harry apparently he's a wreck, no pun intended. It seems the very thing that aided the end of our relationship he's kept up: drinking whisky. I always told him that shit was bad for him, how he should stop stealing it from his father because it always ends in me mopping up a beaten hungover Harry. However, with being Queen with riches and power I've never felt as lonely, so lost. At night my mind is fogged with sea air and gleams of sword edges. I dream of him still and I still love him goddammit.

"The post your majesty." Herbert my frog friend says kindly.

"Thank you Herb."

Dear Queen Y/n Briar of Wonderland,

You are invited to the wedding and reception of...

Carlos De Vil
Jane Glass

... On the the 12th of August.

Both bride and groom wish for you to be Maid of Honour.

Please RSVP to Fairy Godmother.

"Everything okay, your majesty?"


The Tumbling Forest is as beautiful as the day I stormed through it with a heavy broken heart. Since allowing Mara Hatter and Angelo Kingsley back into Wonderland I have not only made an alliance with the couple, but a friendship. They have been my rocks here. I left Angelo in charge and have taken Mara on my endeavour to Carlos and Jane's wedding. He kept that quiet in his letters! So did Jay! Speaking of the devil I see a burgundy beanie through the trees.

"Jay!" I shout in excitement.

I run out of the forest allowing my floating bags to press lightly onto the roadside. I'm met by a bear hug of the brute strong Jay.

"Y/n! I've missed you little sis." Jay says ruffling my hair.

I swat his hands away and release him. After straightening my crown and patting my hair down I speak:

"I am a queen, Jay." I say crossing my arms mock offended.

That's when a limo door opens. I step back stuttering incoherent words. My guards, maids and Mara notice my sudden distress as a pirate's boot is thrown out of the doorway.

"How dare you bring that haggard codswalloping swine!" Mara shouts furiously.

Jay instantly has his hands in surrender. That's when I see him...

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