Now you're inviting us? Part two

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I cannot believe the events that has just happened these last few days. This prissy princess got some evil in her and tried to destroy everyone. Me, Harry and Gil escaped the Isle and got stopped by the VKs. My dad even tried to escape the day Ben proposed to Mal. Ugh. We reunited with Uma who told us she tried to break the barrier so we understood where she was this past month. Then, us four helped defeat Audrey. Thanks to my lying half sister everyone other than Mal, Celia, Uma, Harry, Gil, Jane and Doug was turned to stone. I even got turned to stone. In the end it was sorted. After everything that happened and dad had made a visit to save Audrey we were all still sent back to the Isle. Mal and dad made up but I had a kicking off. Me and my dad are close but I know he missed Mal. I made contact but he couldn't bare to after what he did but Mal forgave him. It's made my dad happy but I still hate Mal and the others and he knows that. However, the barrier was taken down and Harry held my hand as we all came to Auradon. I refused to live with Mal so me and dad have our own crib which he allowed Uma, Harry and Gil to move in with us since they don't really get on with their parents. We even attend Auradon Prep which I was reluctant but I couldn't do it to Harry, Gil and Uma seeing their faces.

 We even attend Auradon Prep which I was reluctant but I couldn't do it to Harry, Gil and Uma seeing their faces

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"Photo you guys!" I say falsely happy.

I then take the photo. I'm finding this little camera I think it's called very fun even if it's a 'peace offering' as Mal called it.

"Let's see Y/n!" Gil says excitedly.

They all walk around me as I get the photo I took of them all in Auradon's grounds.

"That's so good Y/n." Uma smiles.

"Thank ye." I laugh.

"Ye ready Y/n?" Harry asks me.

Today is our official first day of lessons at Auradon Prep.

"Sure whatever. I just wish I didn't have classes with them traitors." I spit out.

Uma holds my hand, "Girl they're not so bad and you know that. They took down the barrier." Uma points out.

"They still abandoned me the traitors and the rest of the Isle kids. No word from them at all. They left me." I say quietly.

"I'm not excusing them for that but you don't want to get into so much trouble that they lock you up." Uma says reasonably.

"Let's motor." I sigh.

Uma and Gil bound off ahead as I put the camera in its special bag Mal got me. Trying to buy my love and affection is disgusting but I love the camera so...

"Lass look at me." Harry says sternly.

"What?" I ask.

Harry cups my face.

"Try okay? Just for me. I'm in most of your classes, not some like Gil and Uma. Okay?" Harry says reassuringly.

"Fine." I huff, "I'll try, for you." I smile softly.

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