What's her name?

715 0 0

1. Mal doesn't run back to the Isle but she, Evie, Carlos and Jay returned to find Y/n who refused to go to Auradon and ran off.

2. Your outfit is the above; ignore the hair and phone case if you want.

I am Y/n, youngest daughter of Maleficent. Alike my older sister Mal and Jay, Carlos and Evie - who are like my siblings - I was chosen to go to Auradon. However, I refused to go. My mother only cares about evil so I ran away before I could be forced. I went missing for a month whilst the four tried to steal Fairy Godmother's wand but then they chose good. For the last five months I came out of hiding as my mother was turned in a lizard. I wasn't afraid of my mother it was more the Auradon guards finding me to bring me across. A week ago Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay finally returned to make sure I'm still alive and they brought Ben so he can see the Isle with also observing what it is really like. They have started preparations on choosing the next five to come over. I told them last week I didn't want to be picked so not to waste the choice on me. I'm sixteen and stubborn so refused again to be convinced to go.

Currently I'm running riot around the Isle so a normal day really. My stomach rumbles, hungry for chaos. Uma! Ever since the others left even though I'm a year younger I rule the Isle on my own. Yeah I have people working for me but I do my own business and decides theirs. This means Uma's rivalry with Mal and the others and myself is ongoing. That's why I find myself strutting into Ursula's Fish and Chips. When I walk in their in the middle of a sing song where the pirate crew perform this song of adoration to Uma. How pathetic that she forces people to sing and dance about her. All throughout the song I shout things like disagreeing that people don't stand a chance standing up against her and when she asks what's her name I shout shrimpy. When they're eventually done Harry puts his hook against my throat.

"Ye got a lot of nerve coming here lass." Harry says with anger present.

"Why thank you." I curtsy then move Harry's hook from my neck, "I didn't know the Isle had a glee club?" I smirk sarcastically, "What are you called? The Isle Ensemble or the Loser Choir?-"

That's when Harry's hook is back at my throat with the cold metal giving me goosebumps to which I ignore. I just tut at Harry but stay smirking as Uma's anger levels are going through the roof.

"I'd shut up if I were you lass..." Harry trails off after whispering in my ear.

I look to Uma and giggle.

"Is your first mate allowed to hurt me?" I turn to Harry's face and snigger, "Can't do nothin' without captain's orders can ya?"

Harry smirks dangerously and of course his flirty bad boy pirate comes out even if he's supposed to be mad at me.

"That's right Y/n. You're very smart!" Gil compliments me.

That causes Gil a slap around the head. I then ask for some fish and chips. Within ten minutes they are brought to me by none other than Harry Hook. He slams the plate down on the table and takes a seat on my left. In his eyes I see not the tough ruthless pirate and bad boy demeanour but curiosity.

"You're not getting a tip waiter." I say mindlessly eating the chips.

Harry has an incredulous look upon his face at me calling him, the feared first-mate Harry Hook, a mere waiter.

"Do I look like a waiter lass?" Harry asks his fist balled.

"Well ya brought me my food..." I smirk.

Harry opens and closes his mouth.

"Ye think ye can just run that pretty mouth of yours whenever ye want?!" Harry says getting in my face.

I swallow my food in a gulp and not causing Harry to sigh heavily.

"Yep." I say popping my 'p'.

"You're going to be the death of me lass."

"I'd like to think so." I muse.

The fourth angry prompt is near-quoted so credit due.

The fourth angry prompt is near-quoted so credit due

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