Temporary Bliss part two

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Trigger warning: traumatic childhood, parental abuse, skipping meals/ not eating, teenage pregnancy and abusive relationships.

They did surprise me. I mean Uma came in too which I weren't sure about she would because her loyalties lies with Harry not me.

"Mmmhnmm." I hum, "This is my favourite." I say gorging on the chicken wings.

"We know, Harry told us." Mal smiles slightly.

I just sigh.

"Y/n he won't shut up about you." Uma moans, "I mean I love you girl, especially what I've learnt from Harry but seriously he's pining." Uma smiles.

I don't look up because my chicken wings have suddenly become very interesting.

"Y/n? It is true. We've never known Harry to be like this." Mal says.

"Y/n you have to admit you two were more than friends with benefits don't you?" Uma asks and I nod, "Why did you reject him then? Harry wanted to be in a relationship with you." Uma says gently.

"Long story." I mutter, shaking at the memory.

"Would you like to talk about it?" Evie asks me gently.

I sigh, "Only to make you guys and by extension Harry understand." I take a breath, "My dad is Jim Hawkins and he loved my mum. She didn't love him. They tried for the ten years to make something of the relationship and it didn't work. It was full of cheating and lies. I'd cry myself to sleep every night because of arguments. My dad tried to keep it on the down low for me but my mum wouldn't care. She would go around being nasty to my dad swearing and calling him names. My mum would have random men round so that's why I always ended up at the beach even though I was six onwards I did that. Then on my eleventh birthday my mum announced the divorce to the whole of my birthday party." I pause taking a breath, "My early teens were my dad being a single dad as my mum left us and took all the money. My dad grew tired and looked too old. That spark he always had in his eyes was gone. He was worn out. My dad became the shell of the man he was at my age." I say with tears.

The girls all give me a massive cuddle then we pull away taking it all in.

"Woah." Evie says quietly.

"To me a relationship means cheating, lies, divorce. It means shame and no sparks with burnt out people and the others stealing money. Relationships means nothing to me no spark, no commitment no love. It means damaging a kid's childhood. My dad saw what his and my mum's relationship - which was also on and off by the way - did to me. He tried to prevent it but mum doesn't care. Being a relationship means playing around and shouting and screaming. My dad is depressed and my mum acting half her age being a over dramatic lying scandal. I don'tblame them as for the first ten years of my life they tried to make it work." I sigh, "I don't want that, especially not with Harry."

Everyone listens in.

"You know not all relationships are like that don't you? I mean look at Evie and Doug or me and Ben." Mal says holding my hand.

"It will happen." I mutter.

"No it won't. You cannot just assume that all relationships will be like that. I know you grew up watching your parents' failed marriage but that is one relationship that ended up like that." Mal tries to reason to me.

"You and Harry practically act like a couple even if you're not." Uma points out.

"Okay fine your's won't. But all of my relationships will go like my parents' and I don't want that. I don't want to be like my mother I can't do that to Harry." I say wiping tears, "With me and Harry I don't just feel butterflies in my stomach I feel a whole zoo. We are there for each other and Harry treats me with respect. Me and Harry we are fun and flirty. We are young and free and doing things our way..."

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