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"No Carlos! He cheated on me with Lonnie, why should I forgive him?" I shout at my twin brother Carlos.

"Y/n he-"

"I don't care. Jay cheated, end of story. I'm through." I say getting teary.

"Y/n if you would let me explain." Jay pleads.

"Carlos tell him to leave me alone." I say angrily to Carlos.

"Y/n he-"

"No!" I shout with fury.

"Y/n please calm down. Let's you and me talk about it." Carlos suggest holding out his hand.

I see a certain pirate out the corner of my eye who just so happens to be my best friend and someone who always protects me.


"H-Harry!" I call him over.

Harry struts over but when he sees my tears he jogs. When he reaches me, Harry pulls me into a warm embrace whilst whispering reassurance.

"What's up little one?" Harry asks me.

I pull away from him and he wipes the tears off my face as Jay mutters angrily to Carlos.

"Jay is bothering me. Will you get him to leave me alone please?" I ask my best friend Harry Hook.

Harry's face turns as hard as stone as he straightens his body posture causing Jay to do the same as a response. Carlos just motions for Gil to come over as backup.

"I believe the lass wants ye to leave her alone. Move on." Harry says seriously.

"I'm her boyfriend. You can't tell me to leave my girlfriend alone." Jay sneers.

That fires me up.

"You Jay, are a lying cheater and I'm breaking up with you." I spit.

I thought me and Jay was endgame. We were one of them cliches you would read in coming-of-age stories and fanfictions where you're in love with your brother's best friend, growing up together, then developing feelings. I thought I found my happy ending, my forever, but obviously not. But then I look at Harry...

"He what!" Harry practically screeches.

"Harry mate calm down." Carlos says stepping in between the two boys.

Did I mention Harry is very overprotective of me? It's very flattering but in this situation it can be deadly. Harry and Jay always had a particular hatred for each other when our crews were at war with each other on the Isle. I never really knew why they had this more intense hatred but I guess I'll never know...

"With Lonnie, Harry." I whisper.

"Y/n you're not helping." Carlos mumbles.

"Carlos get Jay away from me now or Harry will-"

"Harry will hook Jay if he doesn't leave right now!" Harry yells.

Now a crowd is gathering as Mal and Ben come to us all.

"Jay I thought you were decent but you hurt Harry's Y/n." Gil says sadly.

I hold his hand and nod. Gil smiles lightly as he squeezes my hand. Harry then places his hook lightly on my hip; this gesture infuriating Jay. Jay moves to attack but Carlos and Ben holds him back.

"Jay we will talk about this later." Mal says glaring.

"Y/n go take Harry to cool down." Ben says sensibly.

"Sure." I shrug.

I walk away still holding little Gil's hand in a sisterly way. Then I realise Harry hasn't followed so I grab his hook and gently lead him away.

"Y/n can we go to mine and Harry's room? We have snacks!" Gil says excitedly.

"Of course Gilly." I pause, "Right Harry?"

"Ye right." Harry nods still looking like he's going to murder someone.

When we reach the two boy's room I have a little cry which makes Gil cry just as much. So there's Harry the murderous manly man hugging us both. He kisses my forehead and rubs Gil's back. We end up playing video games both me and Gil cuddled into Harry as I win against Gil. Harry is so sweet with Gil, very patient with him. Harry just accepts that Gil needs a man cuddle sometimes.

"I have to go study with Uma now. She's back from her shopping trip with Evie now." Gil tells us.

I then beat Gil as he was distracted. He laughs at that as he hugs me and Harry goodbye as he walks to the library. I then am met with Harry really close to me. Harry then kisses a long lingering kiss on my forehead.

"So beautiful." Harry whispers softly.

"Harry-" I start.

"I don't want to be your rebound Y/n, get over Jay first. When ye do I'm here waiting for ye." Harry murmurs.

"That's the thing, Jay was never the one." I murmur back, "It's you, it's always been you. Even back on the Isle, it was you. You protected me and saved me." I whisper smiling at the taller boy, "I'm over Jay."

Harry just listens with a look of pure happiness if I'm honest. Harry then presses his lips against mine in a breathtaking kiss that is damn near perfect. The kiss is long with us both gripping onto the other like we never want to let go again. This feels right, I never felt this way with Jay. It's Harry.

"I love ye Y/n." Harry gently admits with his Scottish twang.

"I love you too Harry." I admit back, my cheeks red as roses.

So I've gone from the growing up and developing feelings for my brother's best friend cliche to the older forbidden bad boy cliche.

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