You fucking hurt her part two

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I am in pain, I will not admit it. I am the daughter of the Red Queen. I feel no weakness. All I know is the slash that King Ben supposedly did accidentally has become green, gammy and infected. I have allowed Mal to come and see me to help sort it out. I only agreed because Harry shouted at me saying my arm would be amputated unless I let Mal look at it. She is the one who contacted us. Mal and Jay came back to the Isle seeking me out but realized there was an infection.

I'm currently laid with Harry on his bed in his cabin. After the fight and the conversation with Harry and Uma I passed out. I woke up to being carried bridal style by Harry into his cabin. This infection has caused sickness and headaches so Harry has the spare mop bucket in his cabin for me with his little piehole window open. I'm laid with him now. I've had a tough morning with the sickness so Uma let Harry off to look after me. He came by a couple of hours ago and he laid with me allowing myself to lay half on top of him and half off. My head resting on his rock solid chest drawing circles in his hand he gave me to fiddle with. I'm snuggled into him well mostly on top of him but hey ho. My infected arm lay straight across his stomach still bloody and oozing. I haven't slept in a week so I'm all ugly and bleh but Harry has still stayed with me.

"Sleep would ya love. You'll feel better..." Harry mumbles.

"I'm trying..." I mumble back.

I stir hearing muffled voices. I then hear Harry whisper something in my ear.

"Promise ye won't freak out?" Harry asks nervously.

"Hi cousin I'm Bonnie!" This chirpy girl says.

"What!" I scream sitting straight up.

This girl my age is absolutely gorgeous. She looks just as my mother described my auntie. Bonnie's figure is slim and willowy with pale blonde hair with dyed white ombre at the bottom. She dresses all pretty in shades of white and pale yellows.

"Love..." Harry murmurs sitting next to me on the edge of my bed.

"What the hell are you doing here princess? I didn't even I had a cousin until the other week." I spit.

"I'm here to help Mal heal you. Mal's magic is very strong but she needs more purer magic to truly heal you." Bonnie explains calmly stood next to Mal.

"I'll leave you guys to it." Uma says shutting the door on the way out.

"You're just here to sabotage my crown. I'm future queen of Wonderland, you're not. I am the heir, my mother's the oldest." I say angrily.

Harry squeezes my hand, "Calm down love. Let her prove herself." He turns to Bonnie, "If ye hurt her I will personally kill ye myself." Harry says threatening.

"Is that really necessary Harry?" Mal rolls her eyes.

"I assure you I am not here to sabotage my cousin." She sighs, "I don't want to be queen of Wonderland and my mother agrees you as the rightful heir should get the crown. But there's the law-"

"I know about the dang law." I spit.

"My mother has decided to step down as Queen of Wonderland ready for your eighteenth birthday. You have one year." Bonnie says.

"Pfffttt." I huff.

"Bonnie let's sort this arm out then." Mal smiles, "Ben would have apologised in person but he's in a state meeting. He really is sorry. He never meant to hurt you or the others. Ben isn't adept at sword fighting at all."

"I like you Mal, you remind me of myself back when I was sane. You're right about your boyfriend but I think Harry is still ang-"

"I will cut him in half after what he did!" Harry says with fury.

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