Daughter of Tinkerbell part two

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Today is the day. I have very mixed feelings. I was up early with Mal helping me with my sword fighting. I have flying to my advantage but none of these know that Tinkerbell is my mum. We never had that conversation they just took me under their wing. Haha, wing.

Now we have just met up with the boys at the other end of the pipe tunnel and I greet Lonnie with a big hug. Ben, Lonnie and Jane were my only Auradon friends so I was thrilled to see Lonnie because she is a great asset.

"Make the trade Mal, I won't ask you twice or Benny boi here will be swimming with the fishes." Uma says threatening.

I spot Harry who's got Ben at the scruff of his neck at the back. Slower and slower he walks Ben further down the plank. When Harry sees me he winks. I just ignore him as I'm in rescue mode. Kidnapping Ben was totally unnecessary but I know that was on Uma's orders. Mal and Uma argue back and forth including Harry joining in getting passionate about sending Ben to the sharks. Harry then goes back to shoving Ben further and further along the plank.

Then whilst Ben is watching Uma and Mal arguing, Harry drapes his arm over Ben's shoulder and looks at me pulling a fake sad face which makes Ben look up to all of us surrounding Mal from behind.

Then whilst Ben is watching Uma and Mal arguing, Harry drapes his arm over Ben's shoulder and looks at me pulling a fake sad face which makes Ben look up to all of us surrounding Mal from behind

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"You know Y/n Harry keeps staring at you." Carlos points off not missing nothing.

Harry pushes Ben hard and he almost falls. Harry catches Ben's shoulder and cackles. The pirate then catches my eye and tilts his head in a half curious way and half challenging.

"Uma give me Ben!" Mal yells.

"I'd listen to her." I find myself yelling out whilst everyone just stares, "Make Ben go off the plank, he'll be fine." I say nonchalantly.

Uma tsks and the VKs along with Lonnie just hold their mouths open at statement.

"And why's that blondie?" Uma asks me taunting me.

I've had enough of this shit. I stomp my feet and my wings burst out of my back dramatically except for my lace-looking wings are black, not white. Everyone and I mean everyone stares either dumbfounded, shocked, happy or triumphant at me.

"I am Y/n daughter of Tinkerbell and I," I pause for dramatic effect, "Am a water fairy."

I use my magic to make the sea water rise in a spiral motion and then I make it explode. The water drenches the pirate crew. I then make the boat rock but I let it still after.

"I think we should listen to the little lass-"

"I am not little!" I shriek with my whole face going bright red.

"Oh she really is Tinkerbell's daughter!" Uma laughs, "Look at her little face going bright red." She taunts.

"Ben Uma!" Mal yells at her nemesis.

"Harry, bring beastie boy." Uma says beckoning Harry over.

"Urh I never get to have any fun." Harry whines.


Needless to say our grand idea didn't work and a huge sword fight breaks out. I make sure to put my wings away as that could damage my fighting as I refuse to fly off. At the minute I'm fighting Gaston's son Gil alongside Ben who's fighting Harry.

"I know what you and Harry did last night Y/n..." Gil says smiling like an idiot whilst we are sword fighting.

"Shut up!" "Shut it!" Me and Harry stop sword fighting with our partners Gil and Ben as we say it simultaneously.

I then do a backflip and land on the decking ramp above. Harry, who's still a little shocked at what Gil had almost revealed at the worst time, meant that Ben gets the upper hand and runs away. Suddenly Jay jumps in to fight Harry and Gil at the same time. Gil turns to fight Carlos...

Everyone is ahead of me and I am in desperate need of fairy dust. They're ready to go and I see Evie from above encouraging me as Uma blocks her path getting to me. Mal and Ben stands at the edge of the pipe.

"Colour smoke bomb Mal!" Evie yells.

A flash of deep blue explodes above.

"Stand down pirates!" I hear Harry yell.

"Fight me." I say with my sword out ready to fight him half heartedly.

"Really Y/n?"

Harry just tuts as I try to climb to the next level where I see Evie not too far away trying to find me. I then feel a pair of strong hands on my hip.

"Get off me!" I whisper yell whilst trying to squirm out of Harry's grasp.

Harry holds me still, "Shut up I'm helping ye gorgeous." Harry whispers in my ear, stroking my cheek so gently.

He then lifts me up onto the platform above as I'm too weak to backflip onto it. As the deep blue smoke clears I hear Harry make a run for it as I run to Evie. When Evie sees me she runs ahead and through the pipe. I make it to Mal and Ben. Ben catches me in a hug and starts walking me through the tunnel not before I get a last look at Harry who behind Uma's back. The pirate subtly winks at me smirking. Me and Ben reach the limo and I sink against the car and collapse on the floor.

"Y/n?" Jay asks shocked.

"I need more fairy dust." I smile becoming more and more weak, "It's in the back of the limo."

Jay opens the door and chucks the bag at me.

"Let's go!" Mal shouts urgently.

"Hang on Mal, Y/n needs more fairy dust." Evie smiles sadly.

Carlos and Lonnie helps me stand and I whip my drooping wings out. I throw up the fairy dust and twirl underneath it.

"Better." I say smiling as my energy and power comes back to me.

We all clamber into the limo on our way back to Auradon. I sit in between Evie and Carlos in the back as Jay drives with Lonnie in the passenger seat. Mal and Ben have an awkward argument where Ben compares Mal to Uma.

"Moving on to something else, did you know Harry helped Y/n?" Evie says with a small smile.

"What?" Mal asks shocked.

"Really?" Carlos asks looking at me, nudging me.

"Y/n you smell of pirate." Dude the talking dog who joined us says.

"Well as I was fighting Harry and Y/n was next to me fighting Gil," Ben starts to explain then he looks at me, "Gil said he knows what happened between Y/n and Harry last night." Ben says with a curious face.

"Wanna tell us about that Y/n?" Lonnie asks with a grin.

"Nope." I say snuggling into Evie's shoulder.

"Well yeah, Harry saved Y/n and helped her to escape." Evie says softly.

"What do you mean?" Jay asks with a serious voice.

"As the colour smoke bomb exploded I looked over the edge to look for Y/n to signal her to come. She held out her sword all unsure to Harry and when she saw he wouldn't fight her, she tried to climb to the level we were all on. Harry then tutted then he grabbed Y/n's waist." She takes a breath, "I was ready to jump down and help but he calmed Y/n who was squirming, he also stroked her cheek. Harry then quickly lifted her up easily on the level we were on." Evie concludes.

"That's why Harry suddenly was at Uma's side to make it look like he was there all along." Ben concludes.

"How-how did you s-see?" I ask Evie.

"I was above you but not in the colour bomb's smoke." Evie smiles down at me.

"It-it doesn't matter I'll never see him again." I say quivering.

I didn't realised but I was crying. Evie and Carlos calmed me down. Eventually I fell asleep my head on Evie's shoulder and holding Carlos' hand.

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