Audrey's sister

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This imagine takes place during the song Night Falls fight scene in D3 and then continues on after that.

Trigger warning: mentions death and there is blood.

My older sister Audrey has had a mental breakdown. She has stolen the Queen of Auradon's crown and Maleficent's sceptre. I'm good friends with Carlos and Jay plus the fact Jane is my best friend. At the minute she and Ben are missing. Hopefully, they haven't been struck my my older sister's unimaginative sleeping spell. I mean hello its been done before?

"I'm Y/n, Audrey's younger sister, only by a year." I answer Gil.

"Oh so you're miss jealous prissy princess' younger sister?" Harry asks with his stupid scary voice.

My long hair cracks as I whip around and walk close to Harry. I poke my finger on his chest repeatedly.

"Yes I'm her younger sister and I love her but we are complete opposites." I poke him harder this time and he backs away but I carry on, "Don't you dare judge me Harry. You don't know me and I don't you. Just because my mum is Princess Aurora and your dad is Captain Hook doesn't mean we are our parents. I may be a princess but the best fighter here. You hear me?" I say angrily my temper flaring up.

Evie gently guides me away because I may be littler than Harry Hook but I still my body against him poking him hard in that rock solid chest. I made sure to be in his face but all he did was look me straight in the eyes with that stupid attractive vacant look.

"I hear ye princess." Harry smirks flirteously.

"Mal is she really the best fighter?" Uma asks impressed.

"Yeah she's beat me and Jay. Jay's a lot better than me and Y/n beat him by a longshot." Mal answers her.

"That means the only person that probably could beat her is Harry." Uma says smiling.

"I don't fight girls." Harry mutters.

"What was that?" I ask squaring up to Harry with a resting bitch face.

"This sexual tension is killing me." Celia smirks.

She then pushes in between me and Harry and walks at the front.

"Uma keep your dog on a leash or Y/n will attack." Mal says admiring her nails.


"This way everyone." Dude says.

We stop in a room with knights armour all around. Mal and Uma are arguing whilst Harry asks about Dude. I take a look around and start pulling threatening faces at the knights.

"Ye couldn't scare a puppy with them looks ye know princess." Harry says leaning his strong arm on the knights armour next to mine.

"And you think you're scary Mr guyliner?" I quip back.

I then walk away as I hear chuckles. I walk to the main set of armour at the very end of the room.

"I can feel you're lurking..." Harry singsongs.

"Good." Jay mutters threatening.

Mal, Uma and Evie joins me. Mal and Uma are still arguing as Jay, Carlos, Gil and Harry come forward.

"I think we're being challenged." Harry says tapping Uma.

"You think you can beat me? You think you're onto something?" Audrey's shrill angry rings out from the set of armour in front of us.

"Audrey are you on your period again?" I ask pursing my lips.

Harry, Carlos and Jay stifles a laugh.

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