Pretty lies, ugly truth

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Trigger warning: dark, depressing and discusses - briefly - sensitive/ nature issues.

"Y/n you're not evil, I can see that but you can still change this reputation." King Ben tries to reason with me.

"I don't give a damn about my evil reputation. Paint me as a villain." I spit.

"I can get you off the Isle, you can come to Auradon." Ben pleads.

"What's happening here?" Uma my captain and best friend questions me.

"He's saying I can come to Auradon with him." I glare.

It's then I smell his familiar saltwater, manly sweat scent. Harry Hook my first-mate, best friend and boyfriend comes bounding after Uma.

"Oh now you're inviting us?" Uma laughs with a sharp edge.

"Ye do not understand beastie boy the wasted years, the wasted youth. We're the pretty lies whereas ye and Auradon are the ugly truth."

"Here here!" Harry yells raising his sword to the heavens.

"Y/n you can do better than this! Come with me and Mal, all of you." Ben says quickly.

I then swing quick as lightning my sword to the king's neck but I halt before it pierces his neck.

"Ye wanna test my waters, ye better know how to swim." I dangerously.

"People can help you get past your demons-"

"People are like shadows." I interrupt King Ben, "They disappear when it gets dark." I murmur quietly.

Then I feel it happen. I am the daughter of the Mad Hatter with an unknown mother. When I was six I was dumped on the Isle because like my father I have an insane dark side but I was deemed too powerful in this evil, apparently it was too strong so I was left to rot on the Isle of the Lost. When I lose control of my deep rooted anger or get too depressed my dark side comes out to play. My normal y/h/c hair turns black, my skin turns ghostly white, my eyes red and my veins turn blacks and purples. I am feared on the Isle because of I'm part of Uma's crew but also as I'm genuinely a psychopath.

"What's happening?" An alarmed voice questions.

I can't hear them properly I only hear my demons shrieking and rampaging in my brain. My body twists unnaturally as the darkness and insanity of my dark sides manifests itself into every crevice of my body. I drop and stay deadly still as the poisonous dark side invades my mind as the blackness surrounds my eyes.

"Y/n?" An unsure voice asks.

I hate the king of Auradon! I hate myself. This darkness is overwhelming and all-consuming. I feel a heavy object in me left hand. I look at it: it's a deadly weapon, a sword. I turn it around to face myself and prepare to kill one of the world's monsters: me.

"No don't ye dare!" I hear a familiar Scottish accent scream.

Suddenly I'm not holding my sword it's been tossed aside. I turn dangerously quick to see the owner of the Scottish accent. I feel a fire in my belly of rage. I scream a bloodcurling scream as I'm grabbed by the Scotsman.

"Y/n..." The Scottish voice whispers.

"Harry be careful." A girl's voice warns.

I feel the urge to hurt myself again, to rid this cruel world of a demonic monster in the form of a teenage girl.

"Y/n? It's Harry. Listen to my voice. It's me." This familiar sounding Scottish voice says.

"Speak more." I demand.

I know that I know this voice. This Scottish voice speaks more as I slowly come back into myself. I'm Y/n, abandoned daughter of the Mad Hatter. That's my Harry's Scottish accent.

"What happened?" Ben asks concerned.

I take a deep breath and hug Harry.

"I didn't hurt anyone did I?" I tremble quietly.

"No lass, not this time." Harry let's out a small cry, "Ye tried to kill yourself though."

I feel his salty tears and I wipe them away as I stroke his hair.

"Y/n is the Mad Hatter's daughter. She has the same uncontrollable darkness and insanity of her father." Uma explains.

I let go of Harry to take over.

"But unlike my father, mine was stronger and more forceful. My insanity and darkness comes out to play more." I say quietly to the king.

"Y/n was dumped here when she was six." Harry adds.

"There is only one person that can ever pull me out of the darkness and insanity and that's Harry." I say holding Harry's hand.

"At Auradon we can help you! I'll give you guys your chance! Its win-win." The king tries to argue.

"Do you really think I would be happy? Or safe? Or welcome?" I ask blatantly.

Ben thinks for a few moments.

"She's made up her mind." Harry says looking at me.

A few things are quotes or near quotes from stuff from Pinterest so credit due to them.

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