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Trigger warning: violence, fighting and injury.

"Oh for fuck's sake." I mutter in utter annoyance, taking off my helmet.

"Hey hey hey, what's up love?" Harry says gently grabbing my hands.

Ever since Harry came to Auradon and the barrier was taken down he hasn't been such a nob to me and the VKs. Yesterday I got attacked by my lovely Mother Gothal. Harry kissed my puffy and bruised eyes and told me he was there for me always. I never told him who did it though; I don't want to seem weak.

"He's back." I say quietly.


"Euan." I say hurrying out of the car.

Euan is Rapunzel and Eugene's son. Eugene doesn't go by Flynn Rider anymore so that's why Euan was named after his father's real name. Euan is my ex. Not all villain kids get on with the kids of their parents' enemy. This sometimes isn't to do with the parents but because the child is a cheating bastard.

"Hey, Y/n, hey woah." Harry catches me.

Harry gets my wrists and turns his head to face mine. When I look at him I scan his face for emotions, for intentions. When he trusts me not to run away and links his arms around my waist.

"My ex, Euan, my ex. He's the reason why-"

"What do we have here?" Euan snarls.

"Leave me alone Euan." I spit back.

I can feel Harry visibly and physically tense as his hands rest on my hips. Uma and Gil was just about to say something but they can see the tense situation that is about to unfold further.

"This your newest toy Y/n? Little dirty pirate your charity case?" Euan asks me condescending.

"Fuck off."

"Am I supposed to be scared of you?" Euan asks stepping nearer.

"Stay away from Y/n. She's not interested if ye can't tell." Harry smirks.

There's gasps around us and I can already gossip is spreading. Uma and Gil come stand either side of me and Harry.

"That wasn't what she was like before. She loves toying with boys, making them feel special then leaving them in the dust. She doesn't like you. Y/n is just an ugly whore." Euan yells.

As a crowd surrounds us I can hear Jay and Carlos trying to elbow to the front. Harry quick as a whip gets in Euan's face as they square up to each other.

"Maybe she loved toying with ye and that's because ye are a boy. Whereas I'm a man ye dickhead." Harry spits with fury.

"The countless times I've slept with her... Feeling all the curves of her body, against mine... Pressed up..." Euan muses disgustingly.

Suddenly Harry absolutely wollops Euan. Punch after punch, each one harder than the last. Harry is stronger and taller and faster. He eventually beats down Euan on the curb as everyone chants 'fight fight fight'. Fairy Godmother shouts for Harry to stop as Jay and Carlos battles to the front. Then there's a horrid crunch and Euan stops moving.

"H-Harry stop!' I yell running to him.

He ignores me and I hear a loud snap.

"Stop!" Pansy, Euan's twin sister screams.

Two king's officers step out and physically have to yank Harry off Euan's unconscious body.

"I'm calling an ambulance." Someone says loudly.

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