*Not an update but important*

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Hey guys

How are you all? I hope your doing okay, especially people over in America. Please stay safe if your participating in protests for BLM or even if your staying at home and there's things going on near you.

I don't know the extent of how bad it is over there other than what I'm seeing on instagram and what one of my friends that lives over there is telling me.

This is all horrible. No one should have to go through any of this.

To be honest, I don't know what to say other than its horrible that people are going through this. Like its the 21st century where we get told not judge anyone on their sex/gender, race, appearance, ethnicity, and who your attracted to. But if you were to judge them for any reason, people will jump on you and say your being homophobic but if it's a black person being judge no one says anything.

You'll get the odd few people that would call them out but some people think they're above others so they ignore it and just because they're in a job that gives then a bit more power over others, they think they can just do whatever they want and harm people if they aren't doing what they want them to do as well.

Like the George Floyd case and many many others that have come before and after him. No one should have to experience this. I don't know all the names but I hope their families get justice and stay safe.

The amount of violence being thrown at black people for No reason is just wrong.

I know I can't really talk about everything as I don't really know how bad everything that's going on over there is. But what I can do is help by spreading awareness of it.

Below is a link that will take you to a website where you can sign petitions or you can donate. Please help out in anyway you can whether that's through spreading awareness of it or signing petitions or donating.


No one should have to go through this or even witness others going through this.

Again I don't know much about what's going on other than what I've said but I hope EVERYONE stays safe and I hope your all doing okay.

If anyone feels like they need someone to talk to because they feel upset or just want to have a rant to someone, feel free to message me. I might not be the best at advice but I will try my best to help you feel better.

And remeber that the virus is still going around so please try and be careful about that too, i k ow its not the main priority at the minute but everyone's health is important so please stay safe with that

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