recovered marriage

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Requested by: @katjamller9

This is not exactly how it was requested, but I kinda forgot about the requested storyline while writing, I hope you don't mind & like it anyways! <3

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This is not exactly how it was requested, but I kinda forgot about the requested storyline while writing, I hope you don't mind & like it anyways! <3


Lili was currently cooking herself a meal when her phone buzzed.

It was cole.

-Hey can I bring Liam over for the weekend. I know I'm supposed to watch him but Bella and I wanted to go on a little trip-

the message said.

Lili sighed loudly. So a trip with Bella it is..

Cole and Lili got married 4 years ago and expected their first child right after. Liam is now 3 years old. But around 1 1/2 years ago Cole and Lili broke up and had a divorce around 6 months ago as they were only screaming at each other. It wasn't working anymore. But they still very much love each other. Especially Lili. She wasn't able to move on ever since.

-Yeah alright.. I'll watch him.- Lili replied.

-Thank you-

Lili pressed the phone into her chest and sighed loudly. She has no idea how to move on ever.

Around half an hour later, the doorbell rang and Cole stood right in front of the door.

„Oh hey my big one." Lili said smiling while picking up Liam as he ran up to her. The kid giggled and hid his face in her neck.

Right after Lili looked at Cole and smiled slightly.
„Hey.." she mumbled.

„Heyy.. thank you for watching him." he thanked her and she nodded.

„anytime. He's my child as well." Lili bit her lip nervously.

„Right.." he nodded awkwardly.

„So. Here are his favorite toys. He just wouldn't leave them at mine."

Lili laughed and observed Cole picking the bag up. But while he was leaning down, something fell out of his pocket.

„Oh shoot." Cole mumbled to himself, didn't move and closed his eyes in anxiety.

Lili almost gasped as soon as she saw what it was. A black velvet box.

„Y - you w-wanna propose?" Lili stuttered.

Cole sighed and put the box back into his pocket.
„yes.." he replied nervously and looked at lili.

Lili swallowed and tried to fake smile.
„Well.. good luck.."

„Thank you." he sighed and noticed Lili turning away from him.

The truth is: Cole actually doesn't wanna marry his new girlfriend. He knows that she's not the right person.. Lili is.. but he needs to get over her and starts a new life.

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