pool day

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„babe, I'm back." Cole yelled as he entered their house, yet to no one answering.

He looked confused. „Lils?" he yelled again, no answer.

Just as he looked outside, he spotted his beautiful girlfriend laying in the sun, tanning herself.

He chuckle to himself as he walked outside, up to her.
Just as he was standing in front of her, she was peacefully sleeping while laying on the back. She was wearing a beautiful blue swimsuit, showing a little bit of her upper stomach.

„baby.." Cole mumbled and carefully laid on top of her. She flinched but started laughing right after.

„what are you doing, asshole." she giggled as Cole rested his head on her breasts. She gently carassed the back of his head.

„The asshole is back home and wanted to get some attention." he laughed and kissed her on the lips quickly.

„Get up, you're heavy." she said laughing and Cole did what was asked.

„Have you slept well, my love." he asked sarcastically.

„Shut up." she giggled and sat down on his lap.

„how was being with your dad?" she asked as she carassed his back.

„Oh it was nice. He had a lot to tell me." he said and kissed her cheek three time. Lili giggled.

„Is that a new swimsuit?" he asked.

„Not really, but I think I haven't worn it before." she smiled.

„Well. You look hot in it." Cole chuckled and wrapped his arms all around Lili's body to pull her closer to him. Lili laughed and they almost fell back onto the lie.

„So.. you wanna swim?" he suggested and Lili looked at him with a disgusted face impression.

„uhm.. no." she immediately said.

„what? why not?" he laughed.

„the water is so cold."

„oh come on." he looked at her with a »seriously?« face. Lili chuckled and looked away shyly.

„Come on. It's 10000 degrees." he complained.

„then go in, I won't."

„we'll see about that." Cole laughed and stood up to change into his swim trunks.

He came back after a while with a grin on his face.

„don't you dare." she laughed as he came closer.

„if you do that I'm breaking up with you." she joked and that was when Cole picked her up, making her scream while laughing.

„You won't do that, cause you love me." he smiled and kissed her cheek.

„COLE!" she screamed as Cole slowly walked down the stairs into the pool, making her toes touch the cold water. Cole laughed.

he slowly continued to walk down the stairs until her entire lower body came in touch with the cold water.

„look, it actually isn't that cold, is it?" he laughed as he let her down.

„I hate you." she said and swam away but Cole went after her and caught her by wrapping up his arms around her.

„you don't and you know it." he kissed her cheeks multiple times while she was giggling.
She turned around, grabbed his neck and kissed him passionately on the lips.

„I'm almost completely under water." he laughed as they kept sinking while kissing.

„go to the side where it's not that deep." she said and pushed him against the edge of the pool.


„sorry." she laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck while pressing her body against his. His hands wandered to her waist, pulling her closer with each kiss on his lips.

Lili giggled strongly into the kisses.

„I love you." Lili whispered as she tousled through his wet black hair.

„I love you too." he smiled and pulled her into another kiss.

„you want ice cream?" he suddenly asked.

„that's what you're thinking about in the middle of this moment?" she laughed and hit him slightly.

He smiled innocently.

„classic Cole Sprouse." she laughed and kissed him quickly.

„So, does the lady want some?" he joked while tapping her on the nose.

She chuckled. „you don't have to ask me twice."

„okay. I'll get us some." he kissed Lili's forehead and went out of the pool.

In the meanwhile Lili laid down on a pool float to continue tanning herself.

After a few minutes he returned and slowly walked back into the pool with two bowls of ice cream.

„there you go." he smiled as he handed one to lili who was still sitting on the float.

„thank you." she smiled and took it from him.

They continued eating happily while chatting. They were the happiest around each other.

„Are you done?" he asked and Lili nodded. She handed him the bowl in order for him to put them outside of the pool.

„so.. what are we gonna do now?" he smiled and swam to Lili.

„I don't know.." she chuckled.

„I've got an idea." Cole smirked and pushed Lili from the float, making her scream like a little child before falling into the water.

„Cole, you're dead!" she said as she appeared again to catch her breath.

Cole laughed and tried to swam away but she was faster and pushed his head all the way underwater.

From the outside it was just two people, goofing around. They looked the happiest, and so in love.

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