„Daddy, your first meeting?"

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It was a normal sunday for Cole, Lili and their 4 year old daughter Rose.

After walking their dog Milo they all sat on the couch together while watching a Movie. Rose was cuddled up in Cole's arms. He softly kissed her head and she giggled. She's honestly adorable.

„Mommy, come here and cuddle with daddy and I!" Rose said as Lili was sitting next to them. Lili chuckled and Cole wrapped her arms around her. He loved being close to his favorite humans.

„So, what do you wanna watch princess?" Cole asked her and she pointed at a movie happily.

„This one?" he asked and she nodded. „Yess!!"

Lili giggled. Seeing her daughter happy warms her entire heart. Cole chuckled at her.

The film started but after 20 minutes Rose started to get unpatient. Typical 4 year old, can't keep doing the same thing for more than 30minutes straight.

„Mommyyy." she whines while cuddling up to Lili.
„What's up sweetheart? Don't you wanna watch the movie?" Lili laughed.

She shook her head and Cole giggled.

„Question." she started and looked at Cole. Cole sat up and rubbed her back.

„What do you wanna ask mommy or daddy?" Cole asked.

„Daddy, Your first Meeting?!!" she clapped her hands excitingly and sat down on the floor to look at both Lili and Cole. They looked at each other and smiled widely.

„You wanna know mommys and daddy's first meeting?" Lili looked at her happily and she nodded.

„Well.. it was about 10 years ago." Lili started.
„10?" Rose looked at them interested.

„Yes, 10." Lili giggled and Cole came closer to her to wrap his arm around her shoulder.

„Mommy and daddy both have a job. Do you know which one?" he asked her.

„Uhm.." she shook her head.

„We're both actors." he answered.

„I wanna be actor as well!" she exclaimed happily and Lili giggled.

„You will, I'm sure." Cole chuckled.
„Anyways. There was this tv show."

„Tv show like spongebob!!?" she asked excitedly and Lili laughed.
„Yes. But as in a tv show for older people."

„Mommy and Daddy both wanted to play in the same tv show. And that's when we met." he looked at Lili with heart eyes.

„Daddy and Mommy got along well pretty quickly. We met often because of our job as an actor." Lili continued while staring at Cole.

„And after a while mommy and daddy got closer and started to love each other." Cole smiled at Rose.

„Love?" Rose looked at them with wide eyes.

„Yes. Mommy and Daddy love each other." he replied.

„Love me?" she asked and Lili and Cole both nodded.

„of course we do sweetheart." Lili smiled.

„What happened then?" she asked furthermore.

„Daddy and mommy started dating and filmed their show. After a few years they got married." Cole continued.

„Married?" Rose asked confused.

„Yes married. That's why we all have the same second name. What's your name princess?" Lili smiled.

„Rose Sprouse!" she said proudly.

„Exactly. And our last name is both Sprouse as well. That's because we're married."  Cole chuckled and pressed a kiss on Lili's cheek and then on her lips happily.

„Eww." Rose covered her eyes and Lili and Cole laughed.

„And then. 5 years ago you started to grow in my stomach, Rose." Lili said and rubbed over her stomach.

„In stomach?" Rose was excited.

„Yes. You were in here once." she tapped on her stomach and Rose jumped up excitingly.

„And why in there?" she looked confused.

„That's a topic for another day." Cole laughed and kissed Rose on the forehead.

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