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Requested by @jjjaanaa

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Requested by @jjjaanaa


Lili is currently 2 months pregnant and has to deal with strong morning sickness.

Cole woke up from Lili jumping out of the bed to throw up.
He rubbed his eyes and walked after her.

He held her hair back and kissed her head.
„I can't do this anymore, Cole." she said exhausted while leaning over the toilet.

Cole sighed. He hates seeing her like this.
„It's gonna be fine, baby." he whispered and that's when she had to throw up a second time.

„Ugh. This is so horrible." she breathed out and Cole started rubbing her back.
„I wish I could take this from you, love. I would do anything."

Lili sighed and leaned back. „I just want this to stop."

„It will eventually." he replied worriedly. „How about you get back into bed and I'll get you a bucket." he suggested.

„You have to empty it every 5 seconds then, Cole.." she whispered embarrassed.

„I don't care. I just want you to get rest. And you do not have the power anymore to run into the bathroom every single time." he mumbled while caressing her cheek.
„Come on. I don't mind doing it okay? As long as you feel better."

„This is so embarrassing.. it seems like I need someone to take care of me." she sighed.

„I'm not taking care of you. I support you. And I'll do everything to support you during the pregnancy, okay?" she looked him deeply in the eyes and nodded.

He got up and helped her up. She was so exhausted that Cole picked her up and slowly laid her into bed.

„You're being so tired, poor girl." Cole said softly while pulling the duvet over her. He put a pillow under her head as she laid on the side.

Cole quickly went and got a bucket for Lili to throw up in. He placed it next to the bed and sat down next to her. She has closed the eyes while Cole was stroking her head and playing with her hair.

Lili was moaning in pain quietly.
„What's wrong, baby?" He asked worriedly.

„My stomach hurts." she mumbled into her pillow.
„Do you want me to make you a tea and stroke it?" he asked and she nodded slightly.

Just as Cole returned with a cup of tea he heard throwing up noises. As he entered the bedroom Lili was throwing up into the bucket while starting to cry.

„Hey hey hey shh." Cole said and held her hair back again.
„Cole I can't." she sobbed.

„I know you can, Lil. You're strong okay?" Cole comforted her.

He emptied the bucket and she fell into his arms right after. He kept stroking her arm for 5 minutes while Lili drank the tea.

„are you feeling better?" he asked and she nodded slightly.
„That's good." he was relieved and kissed her head.

„Go back to sleep love. You're exhausted." Cole suggested and Lili nodded.

„Lay down. I'll rub your belly the entire time." he said and watched her doing this. Cole felt so bad that he cannot take this pain away from her. That's all he would like to do.

He took some oil and started massaging it on her stomach. She moaned in enjoyment and Cole smiled.

„Thank you so much, Cole." she mumbled tiredly.

„Anything for you, baby."


Lili was now 7 months pregnant. Cole was currently working on their child's room as Lili walked in.

„What do you think you're doing?" he asked in confusion.

„painting the walls." she smiled and placed the bucket on the floor.

„There's no way you're doing that." he said suddenly while taking the brush away from her.


„You gotta get rest. You're pregnant." he insisted.

„Yeah I know.. but why?"

„I don't want you to do such hard work. Lay down on the couch and relax, please." he caressed her cheek worriedly.

„Can I cook at least?" she asked and sighed.

„No I'll cook now. You really need to get rest. Your feet hurt." Cole kissed her forehead and she nodded.

That's when Lili was watching tv while Cole was cooking dinner.

The food was currently in the oven for twenty minutes, so Cole decided to check up on Lili.

„Hey you're alright?" he asked and she nodded.

„Besides that my feet still hurt and our little girl keeps kicking me, yes." she smiled slightly.

Cole kneeled down in front of her and started massaging her feet.

„Oh my god, that's exactly what I needed thank you so much." she said in happiness and Cole chuckled.

„You're welcome, baby." he replied.

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