sweet little family pt.2

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so a second part of this was requested. I try to continue this as good as possible lmaoo.. oh and.. this got a little bit long 😂


It's been another year. Cole and Lili's daughter Ella is now 2 years old and changes their lives completely. But Lili and Cole couldn't be happier to have her.

Well. She's a total daddy's girl. There's no way she could be happy for one day straight if Cole wasn't around. And well.. that's exactly the case right now.

Cole is in New York for 1 week for a photoshoot, meanwhile Lili is staying with Ella in their house in LA. She misses Cole endlessly already after 2 days but that wasn't the actual problem. Ella is.

She was in a total bad mood literally everyday. Of course sometimes she was happy but mostly she was crying or grumpy. She was missing her daddy as hell.
Besides that. Lili wasn't feeling well lately. She was nauseous and pretty much always exhausted. She's having a hard time currently.

Lili and Ella were watching tv at a relaxing sunday evening while cuddling. But after a while Ella wasn't actually paying attention to the movie and neither was lili. They kept goofing around. She tickled Ella making the room fill with giggles. Lili made a fart sound on her stomach with her mouth making her laugh loudly. Lili's heart was filled with full of love.

„Okay sweetheart, it's time for sleep." Lili started suddenly out of nowhere. That's when Ella's mood dropped.

„I don't wanna sleep." Ella said frustrated while crossing her arms. Lili sighed.

„It's very late, sweetheart. You have to sleep. The sweet dreams are waiting for you." Lili said trying to stay calm and slowly stroked her left arm.

„I don't want to!" Ella exclaimed.

„But otherwise you'll be tired tomorrow, Ella." Lili smiled a little at her. She shook her head.

„Oh yes. You will. Why don't you wanna sleep?" lili asked worriedly.

„Daddy." she replied and Lili raised her eyebrows at her.

„Yes daddy. He isn't here." Ella said with a sad voice.

Cole is mostly the one bringing her into bed. He always was. And it went to pretty much an evening routine for Ella.

„Daddy is working sweetheart. It's veeery important. But he will be back in a few days and will be all yours."

She looked at Lili sadly.

„I don't wanna go to bed unless daddy is here." it seems like she's about to cry again.

„No, no, baby. Don't cry okay? Daddy will be back soon." Lili hugged her. She just wants Ella to be happy.

„How about we get into bed together and we will talk to daddy huh?" Lili asked her making her happy immediately.

„Yes!" she screamed and jumped around. I laughed slightly. Oh how this man makes her happy.

Lili and Ella went upstairs to get ready for bed.
„Ella sweetheart, get into bed already, I'll come in a second with daddy on the phone okay?" She kissed her head and Ella nodded happily before running into her room.

Lili walked into Cole's and her bedroom and grabbed one of Cole's hoodies so that Ella has at least something that smells like her dad.

She dialed Cole's number via FaceTime and he picked up after a few seconds.
„Hey gorgeous. Everything's alright?" he asked while smiling widely at the screen.

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