something that's all ours

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Cole is 26 and Lili is 22 in this. They're dating for 2 1/2 years now.

[Lili's POV]

"God damnit. I can't believe I'm actually doing this right now." I whispered to myself while unpacking the pregnancy test. I'm still on set but I have a little break and decided to find out if a possible pregnancy causes my complaints. Cause I really feel like dying.

I've been throwing up a lot the past days and I have kinda a weird lower stomach pain. I'm also even more tired and exhausted than I usually am which I didn't even know was possible. But it looks like it is.

"A few minutes and you're gonna have answers." I said staring at the unused pregnancy test in my hand. You can do this, Lili.

After I took the test I sat down on my couch in mine and Cole's trailer and waited. I turned the test around to not see the result immediately.

I was scared. Incredibly scared. What am I supposed to do if it's really positive? I'm only 22 Cole and I are dating for 2 1/2 and there's a chance we're already excepting a baby? Something that's all ours? We're busy people, our job is taking most of our time. So in conclusion. We won't have time for that baby. How the hell are we supposed to figure that out?

Okay so. Lili you're gonna turn that test around in a few seconds. Oh damnit. There's a possibility that our lives might change in a few seconds. Breathe in and out.

And then I flipped the test. I was shocked.

"positive." I mumbled noticing that my eyes start to be filled with tears. How.. how.. how is that possible? How am I supposed to tell Cole? What if he's gonna leave me? I could do nothing but cry. I was crying my eyes out while resting my hands on my lower stomach. Too many questions were running through my mind.

Suddenly I heard a knock on my door. "Lils? Where are you? Your scene is about to start in 5 minutes!!" Cami yelled.

I wasn't able to answer between my sobs. I just couldn't handle it.
"Lili? Are you crying?" Cami asked worried. "Can I come in?"

"Yes." I sobbed.

When Cami entered my trailer she saw me sitting on my bed, crying and looking at the positive pregnancy test.

She sat next to me and immediately noticed the test and the result. And the next thing I knew was that I was hugged by her tight and was sobbing into her shirt.

"Shh it'll be fine lils. Try to follow my breathing."

After a while I calmed down a little and was able to talk to Cami.

"Soo.. I'm assuming it wasn't planned?" she asked shyly.

I shook my head, still not realizing what just happened.
"I thought you are being safe?"

"We're always safe.. and careful. I really don't know how that happened." I said honestly.

"Come here." she hugged me again. "It'll be alright I promise. You're both young, yes, but I'll support you no matter what. I'll be there for you." she said slightly smiling.

"Thank you.." I sighed. "But how am I supposed to tell Cole..? What if he's gonna leave me?"

"Lili he won't. He loves you more than everything. A baby right now in that exact moment will be hard for you but your relationship is so strong. I knew that it's gonna happen somewhen anyway. You will figure it out."

"Lils? Are you in there?"
Suddenly Cole entered my trailer and I quickly hid the pregnancy test behind my back under the blanket.

"What happened love? Did you cry?" he said worried after he noticed my red swollen eyes.

"I'm gonna leave you two alone." Cami said standing up. "You got this." she mouthed to me and I slightly smiled back feeling my heartbeat to get faster as Cole came closer to me.

I stood up to face Cole. After that I just hugged him and started to sob into his shirt.

"Hey.. Lils.. what's up? Talk to me." he said even more worried than before. I sighed.

"I have no idea how to start.. or how to tell you this even.."
He pulled me closer to him and slowly stroked my right cheek.

"You gotta promise me that you won't freak out or leave me. Please." I stuttered nervous.

"Lili you're kinda scaring me. Just go ahead. It'll be fine."

I took a deep breath. "What I'm about to tell you is gonna change our lives. Forever. And i'm sorry.." My eyes start to fill with tears again.

"Lili..." he mumbled and slowly started to cry as well. He looked so worried.

I grabbed under my blanket and pulled out the positive pregnancy test. "I'm - i'm sorry." I whispered barely without having a voice anymore.

I handed him the test and saw him seeing the result.

"Holy crap.. you're.." he said shocked but in an emotional way.

"Yes I am.. I'm so so sorry.. I really have no idea how that happened.."

He looked up at me again and then back down to the test. He started crying and took me into his embrace.

"Wow.. I have no words.." he mumbled. "I'm gonna be a dad?" he tried to realize it.

"Yes.. are you mad at me?" I said worried.

"No. I'm just a little shocked but that's fine because it's normal. I wasn't expecting this. But it's not only your fault. It always takes two people for it." he said trying to calm me down.

I nodded still with tears in my eyes. "We're still so young."

"Yes we are. But it's gonna be alright I promise. I'll be there for you and the baby all the time, as much as I can. We can do this. I'll support you no matter what." he left a soft kiss on my forehead.

"And just think about a little bit more. You're gonna be having an actual human being growing inside your stomach. A human that's made by our love, something that's all ours." he slightly smiled wiping my tears away.

"I love you." he added carefully stroking my lower stomach.

"I love you too." I replied kissing him softly on the lips.


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