just like daddy

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just a short one shot with a trashy idea I've got during school lmaoo


It was a normal day for Lili and Cole to be on set. They woke up early and left their apartment at 6am.

But it wasn't only Lili and Cole. There was also a little one keeping company. Their little 1 year old son Sam.

It was sometimes a little exhausting to watch him during work. But at the other hand it was endlessly adorable to have him on set. During the hardest and exhausting times he kept the entire crew smiling.

Anyways. They were on their way to work. Sam was sleeping in his little crib on the backseat.

As soon as they've arrived they went to their make up trailer and started getting ready.

„Where's my favorite boy?" Casey suddenly asked while entering the trailer. Lili laughed.

He looked around and saw him laying in his crib.
„Casey don't!!" Lili exclaimed but it was too late. Casey got him out of his crib and held him lovely. He looked at Lili, smiling brightly.

Lili leaned back and sighed. She closed her eyes in exhaustion.
„He was finally sleeping for some hours straight and now he's awake again Casey.." Cole said.

Everytime Sam was asleep for a few hours straight it felt like heaven to them. He doesn't need attention all the time and was peacefully sleeping, not bothering anyone.

It didn't took that long until he started crying in Casey's arms.

„Oh fuck." Casey mumbled.

„Casey, language." Cole said raising his eyebrows at him.
„Cole you gotta take him, I have a scene in 5 minutes." Lili insisted while standing up.

Cole grabbed Sam and held him close. He was still crying but was calming down after a while.

Cole grabbed his beanie and put it on.
„How about we watch mommy filming, buddy?" he asked making Sam grab his t-shirt collar in curiosity.

They went to watch Lili filming a scene in the coopers house. Sam was observing his mom doing her job. He was still held by Cole.
„Isn't mommy doing it good?" he asked making him chuckle. The chuckles always warm his heart.

After Roberto yelled ‚Cut' Sam turned his face to Cole and catched his beanie from his head and let it fall.
„Hat!" The baby mumbled making Cole and all the others laugh in awe.
„Yes that's a hat." Cole responsed picking up the beanie laughing.

Lili walked up to them and pressed a kiss on Sams forehead.
„Hat!" Sam mumbled again trying to catch the beanie out of Cole's hand.
Lili took it out of his hand and carefully pulled it over their son's head.

He began to giggle loudly.
„You look just like your daddy right now sweetheart." Lili said chuckling.

The entire crew was watching them being a wonderful family.

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