their own house pt. 2

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————————————-„I'll go now and meet Dylan okay?" Cole said as he kissed Lili on the cheek

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„I'll go now and meet Dylan okay?" Cole said as he kissed Lili on the cheek. She was sitting on the couch and read some poems.

„Yes, have fun, baby." she replied making him chuckle.

„Okay. Bye." he said while walking out of the house.

Lili took a deep breath. There's something Lili needs to do right now.

Cole and her have been trying for a baby for a few months now but all she has ever experienced was disappointment.
Every single time she had some strange feeling that it might have worked, the tests turned out to be negative. It was always a slap right into her face.

Just as the last time, Lili has a strange feeling. She wasn't able to describe it but she felt like it might have worked.
She does not expect it to turn out positive though. She always thought it has worked but it wasn't the case.

„So.. here we go again." she mumbled to herself while walking into the bathroom. She opened the little closet next to her and pulled another pregnancy test out of it.

„Two lines pregnant. As always." she mumbled still being neutral. She always expect it to be negative anyways so she's not getting her hopes up too high.

So she peed on it and left the test on the edge of the sink.
She took her phone and replied to some messages while waiting.

After five minutes she sighed and took the pregnancy test with the thought that it's gonna be negative anyway.

She was about to put it away again until she noticed an incredibly weak second line. Was it one?

„Oh my god what?" she mumbled to herself while looking closer. Her eyes started to fill with tears. Is that actually a second line?

She tried to look at it with a different lighting. She walked into the bedroom and stood in front of the window. And indeed. There was a second line.

Lili covered her mouth with her left hand, the pregnancy test in the other one. She started crying heavily.

„No way." she sobbed.

She did another one just to be sure but also there appeared an incredibly weak second line.

„This can't be possible." Lili whispered to herself. She couldn't believe it.

She quickly called Madelaine. She needed to tell anyone.

„Hey lils! What's up?" she asked kindly.

Lili just sobbed into the phone.
„Lili what's wrong?" Madelaine asked worriedly.

„Nothing is wrong." She managed to say.

„Why are you crying then?" Madelaine said in confusion.

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