their soon-to-be woman

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Requested by: @jB-musixx


„Cole I'm gonna pick up layla from school. She ain't feeling well, that's why she called." Lili said while joining Cole in the living room. He was editing some pictures.

„No no no. You're staying here and get some rest. I'm gonna pick her up." he said while standing up and wrapping his arms around her.
„You're sick. Go back into bed and sleep for a little while." he insisted kissing her forehead.

„Yes. I'm sick so you probably shouldn't be that close to me." she said smiling.
„You know that I don't care." he replied.
„But I do." she smiled.

„No but you're burning and you cannot tell me that you're feeling well again. You're probably gonna throw up the second you get outside due our little nugget inside of you." he said rubbing her lower stomach.

„We still have to tell Layla though." she said making me nod.
„Yeah that's true. But well anyways. I need to pick her up now, she's waiting." he smiled and let go of her.

Cole made his way to the school of their 13 year old daughter. As soon as he arrived, he saw his little blonde girl standing outside, looking down at her phone.

She looked up and noticed Cole.
„Hey sweetheart." Cole said smiling while she enters the car.

„Hey, where's mom?" she asked being shy.
„Mom isn't feeling well today. Why are you asking?" he replied, making her look away a little. She's acting very very weird.

She looked at him worriedly.
„What's up, love?" Cole asked.
„Uhm.. nothing.. well actually.. there is something but I cannot tell you I guess.." she stuttered making Cole raise his eyebrows at him.

„You can tell me everything, Layla, I hope you know that." he insisted.
„Yeah but.. you won't understand.."

„Just tell me. It'll be fine." Cole smiled at her.
„Okay uhm.. I think I got my period today during class. And it hurts.. a lot. And I'm scared and I just wanna talk to mom." she mumbled quietly.

Cole looked at her speechless. „Uhm.. oh.." was everything he said.
„That's what I said. I cannot tell you."

„I'm sure Mom will help you with this. I'm happy that you trust me with that. But you know. I do not have any personal experiences." Cole said making Layla laugh slightly.

„It's okay.. I just wanna go home and talk to her.." she said sadly making Cole nod.

„How about we grab some ice cream on our way home? That's what your mom always does when she's on her period. And it's even worse during her pre —" Cole stopped when he realised, that Layla does not know yet. She looked at him confused.

„Yeah let's do that." she agreed.

After a while they arrived back home and Layla immediately ran upstairs to hide.
„Hey Layla how was school?" Lili asked but noticed Layla's mood suddenly.

„What's up?" Lili looked at Cole confused.
„She.. uhm.. got her period."

„Ohh.." Lili said quietly but then a little smile appeared on her face. She was so proud that her little girl is growing.

„I'm gonna check on her." she said while getting upstairs.
She knocked on Layla's door and entered slowly. She was crying a little.

„Sweetheart, hey, why are you crying..?" Lili asked even though she already knew what was going on.

Layla looked at her and immediately got into Lili's embrace. She kissed Layla's forehead.

„I think I.. I got my period mom." she stuttered and looked up at her.

„Hey.. Layla.. that's nothing to worry or be afraid of. It's normal. Every woman gets her period." Lili started rubbing her back.

„It may seem strange and weird at the beginning, but you're growing. You're becoming a woman, my love." Lili said smiling.

„I'm scared.." she mumbled.

„You don't have to. It can be painful sometimes, but you'll get used to it. Trust me."
Layla let go of her and looked Lili in the eyes.

„Thanks mom." she muttered smiling slightly.
„You're welcome. I'll be there for you." Lili said kissing her forehead again.

„Let's go into the bathroom and get you some pads or whatever you prefer. And then we'll go downstairs and eat the ice cream dad brought. Oh and we still have to tell you something." Lili said before getting up.

„You're pregnant again, right?" she suddenly said out of nowhere, making Lili look at her confused.

„How do you know?" she asked.
„Dad almost accidentally revealed it. I mean. It's still Dad after all." Layla laughed.

„I can't believe he did that." Lili replied. „But you're okay with this?"

„Yes of course! Why wouldn't I? I was thinking I'll never get a sister or a brother." she smiled hugging Lili.

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