We're done

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[Cole's POV]

I quickly woke up, breathing heavily. Oh man, I had a nightmare of having a terrible argument with Lili. Probably caused by the alcohol on a party with kj yesterday.

I turned to my right and my heart stopped beating. „Fuck fuck fuck." I mumbled as I noticed some random blonde woman laying next to me. Naked. Yes, a random woman, not Lili. I almost forgot how to breathe.

I quickly looked unter the covers and noticed that I'm naked as well.  Oh my god. Cole what have you done? I just sat there, being shocked as hell.

I grabbed my phone next to me and checked the time. 3am. I need to go home. Immediately. Lili's gonna kill me.

I quickly grabbed my clothes and put them on, leaving as quiet as possible, trying not to wake up that random woman. I stepped on the used condom and I almost started screaming. But well, at least we were being safe.

A few minutes later I arrived at home, noticing that the lights in our bedroom are still on.

I went in and saw Lili laying in bed, watching TV.

„Love!" she exclaimed happily when she first saw me. She went up to me and quickly kissed me on the lips.

„Why aren't u asleep? It's late, babe." I asked, still kinda nervous about what happened earlier.

„I was worried, so I was waiting for you to come home so that we can cuddle." she smiled.

Oh dear, Cole you should be prepared to get killed in any second. I thought to myself.

„What's up? Why didn't you move and why are you still looking at me like you've seen a ghost." she laughed, obviously waiting for me to join her in bed.

I sighed, slowly sitting next to her.

„how was the party with kj btw?" she asked curiously.
„About that.. I think.. I need to tell you something." I began.

Her mood quickly changed from happy into worried.

„Kj and I.. obviously drank Alcohol.. and there was a woman."

„No." she mumbled, tears streaming out of her eyes. „No, Cole, tell me you're joking." she stuttered.

I shook my head.

She looked me deeply in the eyes.
„I can't believe you!!" she screamed running out of the room, locking herself in the bathroom.

„Lili let me explain." I yelled after her.

„Save it, Cole." She said sobbing. I've never seen her sobbing so hard.

After a while she came out of the bathroom and ran back into our bedroom. She grabbed some random bag and started packing clothes in it.

„Wh - What are u doing?" I stuttered.

„What does it look like huh?" she replied angryly."

[Lili's POV]

I can't believe he actually did that. Why would he do that? Am I not good enough? Am I not pretty enough? I fucking hate him. So much. I can't even look him in the eyes anymore. I decided to stay at some random hotel until I can find a new apartment.

„Lili please.." he mumbled.

„No shut the fuck up Cole. You fucking cheated on me. There's no way I'll ever forgive you." I yelled crying even harder.

„I was drunk.."

„This can't be an excuse for everything." I screamed packing my last things.
After that, I faced him, trying not to break down in every second. He was crying as well.

Sprousehart - OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang