birthday surprise pt. 1

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September 13th, Lili's birthday. A special day for both Lili and Cole. For Cole as well? Yes. He's always planning the biggest things to make his girl happy.

For her 24th birthay he decided to make something extra big and special for her. He wanted to surprise her with a trip to Bora bora, a place lili wanted to go to since she has been a little girl. It was always her dream place. And Cole will finally be able to fulfill her dreams.

But that's not even everything. They will go on a romantic date this evening and Cole will propose after 5 years of dating. He has never been so sure in something.

He currently sat in the dining room and observed the diamond ring in a black velvet box he's holding in his hands. He was nervous. But he knew that it's the right thing to do. It was currently 5am as they have to leave early.

„Good morning!" Lili yelled happily and Cole quickly put the box into his bag next to him.

„Morning." Cole said and felt a kiss on his cheek. Lili was very happy. But what she didn't know is that Cole's gonna pretend that he forgot her birthday to make the surprise even bigger as it's already something special for Lili.

„Soo, what are we gonna do today? Why did I have to get up so early?" Lili asked smiling and being excited what they're gonna do today.

„Uhm.. we have to catch a flight in about 2 hours to LA. We have a meeting with our managers for some unknown reason." Cole said while staring at his phone. He was able to see Lili's face impression without looking at her. He felt her mood drop within a few seconds.

„So.. we're just gonna pack, catch the flight, have the meeting and sleep after?" she repeated.

„Exactly." Cole smiled at her and she sighed.

„Great." she mumbled disappointedly and ran into their bedroom. Cole had to chuckle majorly.

About 5 minutes later a message on his phone popped up. Why is anyone already awake?

It said: „Cole are you insane!! It's Lili's birthday today and you forgot it you dumbass!! She's so sad istg."

Cole felt bad after reading Austyn's message but he decided to tell her about it.

[Cole]: Slow down Austyn, I obviously didn't forget it. I'm planning on surprising her with a trip to bora bora today and I will..

[Austyn]: You will what?

[Cole]: I'll propose.. but do not tell anyone. Not even taylor!

[Austyn]: Oh my god! She's gonna be the happiest person on earth later

[Cole]: if she says yes tho

[Austyn]: She will trust me! She's head over heels for you.

Cole chuckled and put his phone away to help Lili packing. When he entered the room he already noticed that Lili is in such a bad mood.

„I haven't got a kiss today yet." Cole complained and Lili just sighed. She quickly pecked his lips without giving him much attention.

„When is our flight?" she asked.

„In 2 hours."

„In 2 hours already?" she replied shocked.

After that Cole only heard a quiet „well happy birthday to me." whispered by Lili to herself.
Cole had to turn around so that she does not see him smiling.

After one hour they made their way to the airport and were waiting for their private jet to arrive.

Cole was scared the entire time that Fans will recognize them and say happy birthday to Lili because then he has no idea how he should react. But happily nothing happened.

After around 30 minutes the private jet arrived and they were able to go in. Usually they would fly to LA with a normal flight but somehow Lili didn't ask about that. Good for Cole I guess.

Cole sat down and was waiting for Lili to join him. Lili sighed but couldn't resist laying in Cole's arms so she gave in. They laid down together after the plane started and Lili fell into a peaceful sleep pretty fast.

Cole was observing his sleeping beauty. Just the thought of him marrying Lili made him the happiest person on earth.

The flight was 10 hours long so Lili will most likely notice that something is going on as they are usually only flying for 2 hours if they go to LA.

After about 3 hours Lili woke up the first time and checked her phone.

„Why are we still flying? We've already passed 3 hours?" she asked while looking at Cole.

„I don't know, did we?" Cole tried so hard not to chuckle.

„You're playing with me." she said.

„No I am not." Cole replied. „Lemme ask the pilot what's going on."

Cole stood up and came back after a few seconds even though he hasn't asked him at all.

He sat down next to her again.
„He said we won't be able to land on LAX because they're having some problems there right now." Cole lied.

„And? What does that mean?" she asked.

„We won't be able to arrive for a few more hours."

Lili leaned her haid back in annoyance and sighed loudly. Cole again felt so bad for her, spending 10 hours of her birthday in a plane. But it's worth it.

Lili fell asleep again and luckily slept during the rest of the flight. How can a person sleep so much and be so beautiful during that?

„Lils." Cole whispered into her ear and kissed her cheek softly.
„we're landing."

Lili slowly opened her eyes and checked the time.
„We've been spending 10 hours in the plane what the actual f..." she stopped as she looked out of the plane window.

„C - Cole.. where are we..?" she asked quietly. She turned around to face Cole.

Cole had to chuckle majorly.
„Close your eyes." he said and he led her out of the plane.

„Okay open." Cole said and Lili could already see where they was.

„Bora bora?" she turned around with tears in her eyes.

„Happy Birthday, babe." Cole smiled widely and Lili practically jumped into his arms.

„I thought you forgot it." she whispered.

„Why would I forget such a special day?" he replied and Lili pressed a passionate kiss on his lips.

„We're in bora bora... I can't believe it." she sobbed.

„You always wanted to go there. You deserve it."

Lili chuckled so widely and couldn't stop the tears from falling down.
„I love you so much, Cole, honestly. Thank you so much." she got back into Cole's embrace and decided to not let him go ever.

There will be a part two of it <3

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