birthday surprise pt.2

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„Okay so. Shall we go to where we're staying?" Cole asked while chuckling.

„I honestly cannot wait." Lili smiled at him brightly as she still has her arms wrapped around his neck.

Cole kissed her forehead and she slowly removed her arms. He took her hand and they made their way to their little place.

After a 10 minute car drive they arrived.

„Oh my god." Lili gasped as soon as she got out of the car.
„I'm speechless, wow." she said as she saw the beautiful blue sea, the beach and the wonderful small huts right above the water.

„Do you like it?" he asked and she just nodded.

„I love it. I have no idea what to say." she responsed and almost started sobbing again. She was the happiest girl on the planet but I'm sure she will be even happier later on.

She ran towards Cole and kissed him again. And again.
Cole had to laugh.

„Stooop." he giggled as she couldn't stop kissing him.

„You're the best." she said and hugged him again.

„Come on, let's go. We have to get ready." Cole said while taking her hand and start walking.

„Ready for what?" she asked excitedly as she followed him.

„You'll see." he grinned.

„Oh my goddd!!" she practically screamed as soon as they entered the house

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„Oh my goddd!!" she practically screamed as soon as they entered the house.

„This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!!" she said emotionally.

„I'm so glad you like it." Cole responsed smiling.

„Liking is an understatement." Lili mumbled and hugged Cole again. She started sobbing because of joy.

„I can't believe someone would ever fulfill this dream for me. I would have never thought that this will be happening ever." she sobbed and Cole kissed her head. He could cry as well. He was so happy, he was so emotional. At this point he realised even more that she's the one.

„Aww baby you're welcome, don't cry okay? Let's make this to an unforgettable trip." Cole whispered into her ear and kissed her head softly.

„How about we go swimming huh?" he suggested and she giggled while agreeing.

They changed into their swimming clothes.
„You look breathtaking." Cole said as Lili walked up to him in a bikini.

She giggled and wrapped her arms around Cole's naked waist.
„Sooo.." he began. Suddenly he lifted lili up bridal style und carried her to the pool.

„Cole staawp!!" she giggled into his chest as he entered the pool.
„Oh my god that's cold." he laughed.

„Don't you dare letting me fall right into this cold ass water now." she laughed.
„Don't you dare!!" she repeated yelling.

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