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„Hey, love, how are you doing today?" Cole asked on the phone as he was walking through their apartment in vancouver while Lili was filming Hustlers in New york.

„I feel pretty great. I got a lot of sleep tonight and got some rest during the day.  I only have to be on set at 7pm. But I have to film almost the entire night though." she said and sighed quietly.

„I miss you." she mumbled longingly.
„Oh I miss you too you have no idea." he replied. „It's been so long."

Lili and Cole weren't able to see each other for around 1 month now. Cole had his own photography project going on and he constantly needed to work on this. There was barely any time he could have used to visit lili in new york.

Lili layed down in her bed and looked at Cole on her screen.
„You look beautiful by the way." Cole said smiling and Lili giggled quietly.

„I do not. I have a messy bun and probably eyebags to china." she laughed.
„Did I ever tell you this and didn't mean it?" he asked.

„No.." she whispered chuckling.
„See." he replied starting to twirl his curl.

They kept talking for another 2 hours until Lili slowly had to get ready for set. She's missing him like crazy and so does he. That's why Cole decided to work his ass off to get a few days off to visit Lili. And that's exactly what he did. He managed to get 5 days off to fly to New York. He was the happiest man alive to finally be able to see his girl again.

In that moment he booked the flight, his phone starts ringing and the caller ID said ‚Lils'.

„Cole!!" she said happily. Cole immediately started to chuckle as he heard her happiness.

„Look. —" he started but got cut off by lili being all happy again. He actually didn't mind because he decided to not tell her at all, that he will visit. He's gonna surprise her.

„What's up love? You are veeery cheery I hear." Cole giggled.

„Today was such an amaaazing day on set! Literally Jennifer lopez pole danced in front of me!" she told him excited. Cole laughed.

„I'd like it better if you were it though." he teased and he could see Lili rolling her eyes through the phone.

„Shuuuut-" she laughed. „But you wouldn't allow other people staring at me anyways." she snapped back.

„Well, that's true." he agreed. „But that sounds amazing, I'm so happy you had a wonderful day on set. I'm so proud of you." he said smiling.

„Thank you." she giggled. „I'd be much happier if you were here though."

„Just a few more weeks and I won't leave your side for a longer time." he replied knowing that he'll be already there for her in 2 days.

„I hope you won't do that my entire life."

„Of course I won't." Cole started chuckling at the thought.

2 days after, he was getting ready for the flight. He was wearing a cap and sunglasses at the airport hoping he won't get recognized because that would ruin the entire surprise. And luckily he didn't. After 1 hour he was finally sitting in the plain on the way to his love of his life.

After a few hours he landed in New York and made his way to the hotel Lili is staying in. She was already on set so the room was empty. He got the keys and left all of his stuff there. On the way to Lili's set he grabbed a bunch of red roses to be extra romantic.

A few people already knew about Cole surprising Lili so as soon as he reached the set Keke came across and pulled him into a trailer so that he won't get caught.

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