Twelve Grimmauld Place

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Posted: 2nd August 2020.

There is a house built out of stone.
Wooden floors, walls and window sills. Tables and chairs worn by all of the dust. This is a place where I don't feel alone. This is a place where I feel at home.

Carina's POV.
It's now 7am and Mrs and Mr Weasley are waking everyone up since we will be leaving 11.30am, and Hermione and Aphrodite are getting here at 9.30am. I'm now fully packed and am currently sitting at the table when Isobel walks over and sits next to me looking over my shoulder at my newest songs each with the date they were written, for example Hurts Like Hell is August 30th 1994 and I wrote Youth on September 22nd 1991 then there is That's Okay I wrote that song on December 13th 1993. Suddenly Izzy grabs my book and flips back to December 25th 1994 and reads the song Once Upon A December and then June 17th, 1993 when I wrote Sorrow, and she murmurs it aloud,

It feels like falling,
It feels like rain.
Like losing my balance
Again and again.

It once was so easy,
Breathe in, breathe out.
But at the foot of this mountain,
I only see clouds.

I feel out of focus,
Or at least indisposed.
As this strange weather pattern
Inside me takes hold.

Each brave step forward,
I take three steps behind.
It's mind over matter
- Matter over mind.

Slowly, then all at once,
A single loose thread.
And it all comes undone.

Where there is light,
A shadow appears.
The cause and effect
When life interferes.

The same rule applies
To goodness and grief.
For in our great sorrow,
We learn what joy means.

I don't want to fight, I don't want
to fight.
I don't want to fight, I don't want
to fight.
I don't want to fight, I don't want
to fight.
But I will learn to fight, I will learn
to fight.
Till this pendulum finds equilibrium.

Slowly, then all at once.
The dark clouds depart,
And the damage is done.
So pardon the dust,
While this all settles in.
With a broken heart,
Transformation begins.

When Isobel finishes, she for the first time in a month smiled and says "These are amazing, you know?", in response I shrug not entirely certain. Then after breakfast we are all packed and waiting for Hermione and Aphrodite which doesn't take too long and means we are leaving earlier than expected. After about an hour we apparate to Grimmauld Place where we see Professor Dumbledore and he explains to some of the Weasleys and Aphrodite that Sirius is innocent and the truth before we finally go in and I look around and say quietly "This place has not changed at all", clearly having heard me Aphrodite asks "You've actually been here?" and I nod saying "As a child, every summer and Christmas we would spend a week here. Unfortunately great-aunt Walburga isn't that fond of me, so she yelled even more so than usual". Sounding alarmed Hermione says "Someone lives here!" and I reply "No she died when I was five, it's only her portrait", nodding relieved Hermione asked "Who's in what rooms?" and Mrs Weasley said "Well you can chose who you are sharing with but one of you will have to be in a room alone since they are rooms for one or two". Then after five minutes of discussion we decided Fred and George obviously, Hermione and Isobel, Aphrodite and Ginny, Ron and Harry, and I would have a room to myself since I already have one here and there is certain hexs only allowing me in. Once we are all in our rooms I look around mine and notice not one thing has moved.

Walking in I begin unpacking my books onto the shelves since I haven't been here since I was eleven, summer before first year

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Walking in I begin unpacking my books onto the shelves since I haven't been here since I was eleven, summer before first year. After unpacking my stuff, I set up Sirius' cat bed and food and drink bowls, looking towards my bed I expect to see Siri lounging there as if it were his bed but instead just see my almost empty trunk and bag. Leaving my room I begin walking around the house to see if he is with Crookshanks or one of the others, God I've been here for an hour and Siri's already ran off. After asking the others I finally go to the dining room we're I see Siri and Crookshanks being fed sardines by Sirius, walking over I pick up Siri Jr and say to Sirius matter-of-factly "Did you know sardines make cats put on loads of weight" and he replies patting Siri Jr on his belly "Yeah don't want this one to put on much more weight, do ya?", which causes me to glare at him as Siri Jr hisses loudly. Just as Sirius stops laughing Mrs Weasley calls everyone done for a snack.

A/n I promise I'll make the next longer. Thanks.

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